Anemia is a common condition, even in our developed countries.The numbers are staggering: 2 billion people – over 30% of the world’s population – are anemic, many due to iron deficiency. It occurs in all age, and ethnic groups. Both men and women can have anemia. However, due to blood loss from menstruation, women of childbearing age are at higher risk.
Did you know that iron deficiency is not the only cause of anemia. Anemia can be caused by blood loss, lack of red blood cell production, or high rates of red blood cell destruction. These causes might be the result of diseases, conditions, or other factors.
Treatment of anemia
The treatment of anemia should be twofold:
- The underlying cause(s) of the anemia needs to be treated.
- The amount of oxygen carried by the blood needs to be increased. And this is where spirulina can help.

Anemia happens when the blood has low level of hemoglobin, the protein
that transport the oxygen in your entire body. This is why individuals
with anemia have low energy, have troubles sleeping and have
difficulties doing any physical activities, because there is not enough
oxygen going to the different muscles of their bodies. The major cause
of anemia is a deficiency (lack) of iron because our body needs iron to
synthesize (make) hemoglobin.

With a very high content in iron (over 1,000% more than raw spinach!) and vitamin B, in addition to its anti-oxidant properties, Spirulina is an incredible help to prevent and even reverse anemia. It works by increasing blood levels of hemoglobin. Spirulina is actually very close to our own hemoglobin. Two teaspoon a day is enough to boost not only your level of iron but also your immune system in incredible ways! Did you know that Aztecs were already giving Spirulina to their warriors? Spirulina is one of the most ancient food that we are still eating today.
Choose the best quality spirulina , Its Scientifically proven to treat anemia

Spirulina has been tested scientifically as a treatment for anemia, here are some results from internationally recognized experts, cited from some of the most authoritative books and authors in the world!
In this study, anemia was given to senior citizens suffering from anemia for a period of 12 weeks. Their results is very clear: “Spirulina may ameliorate anemia and immunosenescence in older subjects.” They continue by describing the results: “Over the 12-week study period, there was a steady increase in average values of mean corpuscular hemoglobin in subjects of both sexes. In addition, mean corpuscular volume and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration also increased in male participants. Older women appeared to benefit more rapidly from Spirulina supplements.”
James F. Balch, M.D. and Mark Stengler, N.D. in Prescription for Natural Cures: A Self-Care Guide for Treating Health Problems with Natural Remedies Including Diet and Nutrition, Nutritional Supplements, Bodywork, and More indicate that: “Phycocyanin, a phytonutrient found in spirulina, has been shown in animal studies to stimulate the bone marrow to produce blood cells more effectively. Spirulina is considered a rich source of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. Avoid the use of iron sulfate (ferrous sulfate), which is poorly absorbed and can cause digestive upset.

Paul Pitchford tells us that “A third of an ounce (10 g) of spirulina powder is enough to cover the daily need for vitamin B12 five times over, four times that for vitamin A, 83 percent of the daily requirement for iron, 30 percent of vitamin B2, and 25 percent of vitamin Bj. Spirulina is particularly recommended for fatigue, anemia, eyesight problems, menstrual problems, and skin disorders. In addition, it helps strengthen the immune system and facilitates the elimination of toxins that have collected inside the body. It comes in the form of a deep-green powder with a faint aroma, and also in tablets or capsules.” he then adds that “Spirulina and other micro-algae are excellent remedies for most cases of anemia, and B12 is essential for building red blood. Most cases of anemia, however, are not merely a result of B12 deficiency alone; it may be that the massive amounts of chlorophyll, iron, protein, and other nutrients in micro-algae overcome anemia. In our personal experience, we have observed many people who have taken various micro-algae regularly for a decade or more, and when other sources of B12 are included in the diet, B12 deficiency does not arise”.
– Healing with Whole Foods: Asian Traditions and Modern Nutrition
Gabriel Cousens, M.D. explains that”Unlike other algae, the cell wall of spirulina has high concentrations of mucopolysaccharides, which are easily digested and form glycoprotein complexes that are important in the formation of protein and the building of cell membranes. Primitive foods such as spirulina contain the highest food energy, the highest nutrient value, and use up the least amount of the planet’s resources. Spirulina is also a powerful alkalinizing and healing food. It is an excellent support for the healing of hypoglycemia, diabetes, chronic fatigue, anemia, ulcers, and for boosting the immune system.”
– Conscious Eating
Mark Stengler, N.D. and James F. Balch, M.D. indicates in his book that Spirulina “is a rich source of amino acids, chlorophyll, B vitamins, GLA, carotenoids, and other nutrients. Spirulina has been shown to have immune-enhancing effects, it detoxifies heavy metals, and it protects against radiation sickness. A phytonutrient in spirulina known as phycocyanin has been shown to stimulate the production of blood cells”. – Prescription for Natural Cures: A Self-Care Guide for Treating Health Problems with Natural Remedies Including Diet and Nutrition, Nutritional Supplements, Bodywork, and More.

Paul Pitchford tells us that “Spirulina is available in powder,
capsules, and tablets, and is sometimes found as liquid extracts or
flakes. For purposes of prevention, most people benefit from a
“standard” 10-gram dosage: one heaping teaspoon of powder or 5 grams of
tablets, twice a day. Double this amount (20 grams/day) is normally an
effective upper dosage range for imbalances such as diabetes,
hypoglycemia, cataracts, and anemia. More than this, however, is not
toxic. Athletes and others with large energy requirements sometimes take
20 grams two or three times a day.”
– Healing with Whole Foods: Asian Traditions and Modern Nutrition
Kelly J Moorhead wrote an entire book on spirulina where we can read that “Spirulina has been experimentally proven, in vivo and in vitro that it is effective to treat certain allergies, anemia, cancer, hepatotoxicity [toxicity of the liver], viral and cardiovascular diseases, hyperglycemia [high blood sugar], hyperlipidemia [high cholesterol and triglycerides], immunodeficiency, and inflammatory processes, among others.”
– Healing with Whole Foods: Asian Traditions and Modern Nutrition
Kelly J Moorhead wrote an entire book on spirulina where we can read that “Spirulina has been experimentally proven, in vivo and in vitro that it is effective to treat certain allergies, anemia, cancer, hepatotoxicity [toxicity of the liver], viral and cardiovascular diseases, hyperglycemia [high blood sugar], hyperlipidemia [high cholesterol and triglycerides], immunodeficiency, and inflammatory processes, among others.”
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