- used as treatment for urinary tract infection
- faster wound healing
- protects from viral illnesses
- protects from Heart Disease or Heart attack
- avoids Heart surgery by reversal
- strengthening the Immune System
- soothes cold
- opens blocked nose
- clears up mucous
- promotes proper kidney functions
- helps digestion
- general tonic
- diuretic
- helps reduce fever & soothes cold
- good skin complexion
Vitamin C Prevents Heart Attacks:
According to the Linus Pauling institute, vitamin C help prevent damage to arteries. Vitamin C helps form collagen, which then maintains the integrity of arterial walls. A study published in 1997 in the British Medical Journal reviewed the heart attack risk of 1605 Finnish men and concluded that those with a vitamin C deficiency had a 13.2% risk of a heart attack, compared to 3.8% of those who had adequate levels of vitamin C.
Vitamin C Lowers Cancer Risk:
Research on over 800 men with lung cancer during a 25 year period showed a 64 percent reduction by taking only 83 mg of vitamin C a day. Further research has shown a 50 to 75 percent reduction in cancers in laboratory mice by adding vitamin C to the diet. This has fueled the National Cancer Institute to recommend five to ten servings of vegetables or fruits each day.
Vitamin C Reduces Risk of Stroke:
Over two thousand participants in a Japanese study showed a 54 percent lower risk of stroke in a report published in 2000 in the Journal of the American Heart Association. These individuals ate fruit at least six times a week, compared to those who ate fruits less than twice a week.
Recommended use : Take 2 - 6 tablets after meal
Roselle is a flowering plant used to grow in both tropical and subtropical regions. The swollen red calyces of the plant contain rich amount of vitamin C and minerals such as zinc, calcium and magnesium.
Now, with DXN Roselle tablet, you can grab the natural goodness of Roselle in a convenient way. The exclusive DXN Roselle tablet provides sufficient vitamins C, D, B1 and B2. You will benefit from a wide range of nutrients while enjoying its fabulous taste.
Vitamin C is necessary to keep your immune system strong, promotes healthy gum and beautify your skin complexion.
* contains many types of amino acid which is very important to our body.
* contains many important nutrients to our body such as protein, carbohydrate, iron, calcium and fibre.
* as a medicine for cough, fever and migraine.
* help reducing body fat.
* help reducing cholesterol, high blood pressure (stabilizing high blood pressure) and diabetes (to reduce the sugar content in the blood).
* smoothen monthly menstruation.
* help replacing your body "electrolyte" water after sport and good to increasing your stamina.
Rich in Vitamin C
* vitamin C is an Antioxidant and can protect your body from free radicals which may cause Heart disease and Cancer.
* vitamin C helps your Immune System and helps you heal from scrapes and bruises.
* vitamin C also keep your gum healthy (people with lack of vitamin C often develop swollen gums known as scurvy).
* vitamin C is an essential nutrient to maintain our Metabolism.
* vitamin C provides good Skin Complexion and brighten up your Skin.
DXN Bee Pollen

Bee pollen is a holistic remedy used throughout the world. Unfortunately the vast amount of uses that pollen can be used for are often overlooked.
Dr. Gabriel Cousens MD, has listed bee pollen as one of his 22 most recommended food energies.
Bee Pollen is made by honeybees, it is loaded with antioxidants and is nature's most complete nourishing foods.
Pollen contains nearly all nutrients required by humans, free amino acids, rutin, vitamins, including B-complex, and folic acid and is rich in protein. Bee Pollen can be used medicinally for a wide range of conditions from prostate health to skin conditions and can help correct specific nutritional imbalances within the body.
Here are just 10 great reasons to add fresh bee pollen to your daily diet… although there are many more! :
1. Energy Enhancer - The range of nutrients found within bee pollen makes it a great natural energizer. The carbohydrates, protein and B vitamins can help keep you going all day by enhancing stamina and fighting off fatigue.
2. Skin Soother - Bee pollen is often used in topical products that aim to treat inflammatory conditions and common skin irritations like psoriasis or eczema. The amino acids and vitamins protect the skin and aid the regeneration of cells.
3. Respiratory System - Bee pollen contains a high quantity of antioxidants that may have an anti-inflammatory effect on the tissues of the lungs, preventing the onset of asthma.
4. Treating Allergies – Pollen reduces the presence of histamine, ameliorating many allergies. Dr. Leo Conway, M.D of Denver Colorado, reported that 94 percent of his patients were completely free from allergy symptoms once treated with oral feeding of pollen. Everything from asthma to allergies to sinus problems were cleared, confirming that bee pollen is wonderfully effective against a wide range of respiratory diseases.
5. Digestive System - In addition to healthful vitamins, minerals and protein, bee pollen contains enzymes that can aid in digestion. Enzymes assist your body in getting all the nutrients you need from the food that you eat.
6. Immune System Booster - Pollen is good for the intestinal flora and thereby supports the immune system. According to holistic health expert Dr. Joseph Mercola, bee pollen has antibiotic-type properties that can help protect the body from contracting viruses. It's also rich in antioxidants that protect the cells from the damaging oxidation of free radicals.
7. Treats Addictions – Used holistically for healing addictions and inhibiting cravings by suppressing impulses. Because bee pollen crashes cravings, it is a very useful research is needed into this benefit, particularly when it comes to weight management.
8. Supports the Cardiovascular System - Bee Pollen contains large amounts of Rutin; an antioxidant bioflavonoid that helps strengthen capillaries, blood vessels, assists with circulatory problems and corrects cholesterol levels. Its potent anticlotting powers could help prevent heart attack and stroke.
9. Prostate Aid - Men who suffer from benign prostate hyperplasia can find relief by using bee pollen. Bee pollen can help reduce inflammation to stop frequent urges to urinate.
10. Infertility Problems - Bee pollen stimulates and restores ovarian function, therefore may be used to assist in accelerating pregnancy. As well as being a hormonal booster it is also a great aphrodisiac!
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