Wherever we are on our journey in life, it’s the result of the daily choices we make and the actions that follow those choices. Through my life, I have discovered that when it comes to making choices, people fall into one of three categories. Let’s take a look and see which category you fall into, and if you don’t like your life today, how you can change categories and create a different result.
The first category consists of people who are Clueless. They let life happen to them. Someday they might awaken and wonder what happened or they may just sleep walk through their entire life. They believe it is OK to trade time for money without developing a Plan B. They believe the life they are living is OK and do not recognize that life continues to change—and they don’t figure out how it will impact them. They seem to go from Chaos to Crisis and back to Chaos.
Clueless people don’t know what they don’t know, and they don’t want to change. They do not see how technology changes can have a positive impact on their lives or on the businesses around them that recognized it and took appropriate actions. The businesses that do not change become victims and end up shrinking to a shadow of what they used to be or go out of business.
How have some of the changes impacted our food supply? I asked myself with the great technology we have, “Why are so many people still attracting health challenges?” I did not have to look far before the answer was obvious. Many businesses are more concerned with profits than people. Look at what some farmers are doing to get their livestock to the market faster: feeding the animals growth hormones.
What do most seed companies do to ensure that crops will not be bothered by insects or reproduce? They actually put the solution in the seed without thinking of the impact on humans. I began to do research on how GMO impacts health… it’s not good. Also, the amount of sugar and other additives that many food manufacturers add to their products to make them taste better and be addictive. I came to the realization that the foods you eat will increase the probability of attracting degenerative disease.
I do not take any prescription drugs. I just had a physical and all my numbers were great.
The second category is people who are complacent or Campers. They went through the formal education process, got a job and are OK working for someone else on that person’s dream instead of their own. They believe success is for others and are satisfied living an OK life rather than a great life. They are not interested in creating a second income without having a second job. They are not interested in developing an additional income stream in their free time. They would rather be in front of the electronic income reducer and unplug from living life. That is OK for those who are willing to live an average life and settle for complacency.
The third category is the Climbers. They live a life on purpose and don’t allow circumstances to stop them from reaching the top. They understand that every action will give them a life experience and will not let those experiences turn them into campers. They will use those life experiences as stepping stones to ensure they climb to the top. They realize that what happens to them will serve them well as they become a mentor to others. They realize the view from the top is always better and know that is where they are destined to be.
The good news is that with all the changes that continue to happen, getting there is much easier than it used to be. I am not telling you it will be easy, just that it will be worth it when you arrive. When I awakened and made the choice to become a Climber, it was a defining moment in my life. I changed my self-talk to: “If others can do it, so can I.” The key to your success is finding the right mentor who will guide you along the right paths. I understood that when I was ready, my teacher would appear. And he did.
Wherever you are on your journey in life, it’s all about the choices you make followed by proper actions. Which category do you want to be in?
The second category is people who are complacent or Campers. They went through the formal education process, got a job and are OK working for someone else on that person’s dream instead of their own. They believe success is for others and are satisfied living an OK life rather than a great life. They are not interested in creating a second income without having a second job. They are not interested in developing an additional income stream in their free time. They would rather be in front of the electronic income reducer and unplug from living life. That is OK for those who are willing to live an average life and settle for complacency.
The third category is the Climbers. They live a life on purpose and don’t allow circumstances to stop them from reaching the top. They understand that every action will give them a life experience and will not let those experiences turn them into campers. They will use those life experiences as stepping stones to ensure they climb to the top. They realize that what happens to them will serve them well as they become a mentor to others. They realize the view from the top is always better and know that is where they are destined to be.
The good news is that with all the changes that continue to happen, getting there is much easier than it used to be. I am not telling you it will be easy, just that it will be worth it when you arrive. When I awakened and made the choice to become a Climber, it was a defining moment in my life. I changed my self-talk to: “If others can do it, so can I.” The key to your success is finding the right mentor who will guide you along the right paths. I understood that when I was ready, my teacher would appear. And he did.
Wherever you are on your journey in life, it’s all about the choices you make followed by proper actions. Which category do you want to be in?
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