you’ve ever had a gallstone attack, you know pain. The attack can come
on suddenly, with pain starting in your upper right abdominal area and
radiating to your lower right chest. This pain can last for hours or
even days until the stones pass.
Cordyceps medicinal mushrooms support
healthy digestion and blood circulation, which may help prevent the
recurrence of gallstones.80 percent of gallstones are cholesterol
stones, caused by too much cholesterol in the bile. Without enough bile
to properly secrete the excess amount of cholesterol, it begins to
crystallize, creating a gallstone. Gallstones can also be pigment stones
or mixed stones. All gallstones have some calcium salt deposits.
Risk factors for gallstones are pregnancy, diabetes, obesity, liver disease, a high-fat diet, and a sedentary lifestyle.
you are prone to gallstones, your doctor may have suggested surgery or a
cholecystectomy to remove your gallbladder. This isn’t always the best
option and can, in fact, lead to lasting digestive problems including
fat malabsorption and chronic diarrhea.
Thankfully, you can treat gallstones without surgery.
5 Natural Treatments for Gallstones
Apple Cider Vinegar
cider vinegar has been shown to inhibit the liver from making
cholesterol, which helps prevent the formation of gallstones. Taking it
regularly can help ease the pain and help shrink gallstones so they pass
more easily. Take 1/4 cup of organic, unpasteurized apple cider vinegar
with eight ounces of organic apple juice and drink once a day.
Lemon Juice Lemon
juice is high in both citric acid and vitamin C, both of which have
been shown to dissolve the calcium deposits of gallstones. It is also a
strong antioxidant and antimicrobial, which helps combat gallbladder
infections. Drink four tablespoons of lemon juice each day on an empty
stomach. If your stomach becomes too acidic, follow the lemon juice with
a small glass of water.
Castor Oil Packs Castor
oil packs help ease the pain and inflammation caused by gallstones by
increasing blood and lymphatic circulation. This also helps with the
process of detoxification. Apply castor oil to a soft cloth and place it
on your stomach at the site of the pain. Place a heating pad on a low
setting over the pack and keep it on for 30 to 60 minutes. Do this once a
Milk Thistle Silymarin,
a component of milk thistle, helps improve bile secretion and bile
liquidity, which may help gallstones pass more easily while preventing
the formation of new ones. It can be taken in tea or supplement form.
Cordyceps Medicinal Mushrooms Cordyceps medicinal mushrooms support
healthy digestion and blood circulation, which may help prevent the
recurrence of gallstones. They also have adaptogenic properties, which
helps build overall physical stamina.

you treat gallstones without surgery, you give your body a chance to
heal itself naturally. If these methods do not give you the relief you
need, contact a healthcare professional for more option.
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