Here are some nurturing ways you can heal lymphoedema naturally:
Dietary Changes:
When you’re living with any kind of chronic illness, it is important to slowly replace the junk food in your diet with plenty of organic vegetables, fruit, nuts, seeds, grass-fed beef, poultry, fish, and healthy fats like coconut oil and butter.
It is also advisable to remove pro-inflammatory foods such as gluten, lactose products, corn, and soy from your diet. The only exception should be organic, non-GMO fermented soy for its health benefits.
Organic vegetable juicing is also quite beneficial as it offers a nutrient-rich boost of vitamins and minerals that help your body heal itself. The antioxidants and enzymes contained in the juice help support a healthy immune system and encourage natural detoxification.
Dry Skin Brushing:
Dry skin brushing is something you can do at home to treat your lymphoedema naturally. Using a dry skin brush encourages detoxification by stimulating the healthy flow of lymph throughout your body. It is important to take special care when treating the affected area and speak with your doctor before using this remedy.
Manual Lymphatic Drainage:
Manual lymphatic drainage is a special type of massage performed by a licensed practitioner trained in the technique. First, the practitioner will massage the area where the fluid is supposed to drain to, then he or she will massage the area affected by the lymphoedema to get everything flowing properly. This massage is slow, rhythmic and gentle.
Manual lymphatic drainage is a special type of massage performed by a licensed practitioner trained in the technique.
First, the practitioner will massage the area where the fluid is supposed to drain to, then he or she will massage the area affected by the lymphoedema to get everything flowing properly.
This massage is slow, rhythmic and gentle.
Rebounder (Mini Trampoline)
Recommended by NASA, rebounding (bouncing on a mini trampoline), is the only exercise that uses gravity to promote the healthy flow of lymph throughout your body. As you jump up, you push against gravity to get things moving. As you descend, you work with gravity to keep things in motion. This creates a cellular change within your body, encouraging the release of built-up fluid and toxins. Regular rebounding also helps improve the function of your immune system.
Yoga (Modified Cat/Cow Pose):
Yoga is an ancient Eastern practice that provides strength, flexibility, relaxation, and renewal. Modified Cat/Cow works well for people with lymphoedema of the arms. Place a chair in front of you and get down onto all fours. Place one arm on the chair and, breathing in, arch your back, letting your tailbone come up. On the exhale, round your back, dropping your head and tailbone down. Do this a few times, then switch arms. This pose can be done once or twice per day.
Your autonomic nervous system is responsible for controlling and regulating your blood pressure, heart and lung function, liver, kidney, sweat glands, salivary output, and lymphatic flow, and a few others.
Multiple studies have shown that the mind has a powerful effect on your autonomic nervous system (ANS). Biofeedback techniques have been used to reduce anxiety, lower blood pressure, improve intestinal transit, and improve recovery outcome after a long illness.
Throughout your day, you can use visualization techniques to train your autonomic nervous system to improve your lymphatic flow naturally. Imagine the lymph flowing like a stream throughout your system, draining away blockages and discarding built-up toxins.
It is a good idea to look at a map of your lymphatic system before doing this to see which way your lymph is supposed to flow when your system is working properly. The more specific and detailed the instructions you give your body, the easier it will be for your lymphatic system to repair itself properly.
Benefits of Noni (Morinzhi)

What are the Nutritional Elements of Morinzhi Juice?
• Phytonutrients: These are natural chemicals that provide nourishment to the cells, tissues, and organs. They also fight free radicals, help ward off disease, and may even help to reverse effects of aging and pollution. Also believed to block processes that cause cancer.
• Selenium: This is an important anti-oxidant and trace element that may help to preserve the elasticity of your skin, thus effectively slowing the aging process. Selenium also increases oxygen flow to the heart and may assist in preventing blood clots and high blood pressure.
• Xeronine: An alkaloid that scientists believe works way down on the molecular level to help stimulate cell function and also to regenerate damaged cells. Xeronine is believed to increase levels of endorphins and serotonin, the brain chemicals that create a feeling of well being.
• Polysaccharides: These compounds stimulate the immune system and its response to cancer. Shows a profound influence on anti-cancer activity on the molecular level.
• Anthraquinones (Damnacanthol): Antiseptic and anti-bacterial plant chemicals that are present in Morinzhi Juice. Shown in laboratory tests to kill pre-cancer cells, Lewis Lung carcinoma, and prevent damage to DNA. Stimulates immune response to cancer by activating T-cells, which are the body's Cancer Killers. T-cells are critically important to people who suffer from cancer, AIDS, or other diseases which compromise the immune systems.
• Glycosides: Compounds that are believed to help prevent cancer and scavenge free radicals.
• Scopoletin: Chemical component of Morinzhi Juice with a lot of health benefits. It is anti-inflammatory, anti-histamine, anti-fungal, and anti-bacterial. It regulates serotonin, the body's "feel-good" hormone, and helps to fight feelings of anxiety and depression. This probably accounts for why many people who drink Noni Juice report experiencing a sense of well-being. It is also a vasodilator and lowers blood pressure. It binds to melatonin and helps to regulate sleep, hunger, and body temperature. Last but certainly not least, it is an analgesic that relieves pain.
• Terpene: Rejuvenates cells and rids the body of toxins.
• Limonene: A bitter cancer fighting compound found in Morinzhi Juice and citrus fruits
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