
Muscular Dystrophy Age: 8 Years Affected by Muscular Dystrophy near and below the hip region for 6 years. Not able to stand-up or walk properly. Poor speech. Poor Memory observed. RG/GL started in June 2001 ( 3 pairs). RG oil Application externally. October 2001 : Able to walk & talk without difficulty. Memory improved. Highly energetic.
Multiple System Atrophy Age: 55 Years Degeneration of Brain & Nervous system. Could not walk & talk since May 2003. Bed ridden for 7 months. Gano ( 6 pairs) started in Nov 2000. Oct 2001 : General condition improved vastly. Able to talk coherently. Able to Walk slowly. Self confident. Cheerful. Skin texture improved. Fresh hair growth noticed in BLACK colour, instead of gray.
Rheumatoid Arthritis & Filarial Leg Age :55 Years Suffering from Filarial leg for 2 years ; Rheumatoid Arthritis 5 years ; Ulceration near ankle non healing - painful while walking After consuming RG/GL 3pairs a day for 3 months : Leg swelling reduced by 70 % ; Finger muscle flexible & usable. With external application of RG powder, the oozing from ulcer totally stopped.
Filarial Leg Age:61 Years Filarial Leg since 1980. Varicose veins with skin ulcer since 1998. Not able to walk. RG/GL - 2 pairs - started on 24th November 2000. With external application of RG powder, the ulcer completely healed by Feb 2001. General improvement in health. Patient is able to walk well.

NAME: Karthick AGE: 12 Address: INDIA Diagnosis: Head Injury with multiple intracerebral contusion with sub - arachnoid heamorrhage with left temporal hypotenuse contusionCase History
- History of fall from first floor while playing hide and seek from a sun shade and became unconscious on 29.5.2000.
- Admitted in ICU in unconscious condition.
- Karthik was in ICU from 29.5.2000 with ventilator and life support system and necessary medications. The boy was not able to come out of Coma and so Ganotheraphy was started from July 5, 2000.
- Karthik was in ICU from 29.5.2000 with ventilator and life support system and necessary medications. The boy was not able to come out of Coma and so Ganotheraphy was started from July 5, 2000.
Present Position
- Physiotherapy to be continued
- From July 2000 - July 2001. has been on RG & GL. Has had no major illness during this period.
- Skin texture has improved. Hair growth excellent and memory improved.
- Speech therapy 3 days in a week
- Maintenance dose of RG -2 GL- 2 daily
- JULY 2001 Karthik has improved beyond expectation. Has started studying - VII th standard all activities improved.
- To Summarise Ganoderma is a good brain and nerve tonic. Has had no side effects. Has helped in recovery from coma, which is a miracle happened in a short time.
- Karthik was on a maintenance dose of 2 pairs - Morning and Evening.
- Is able to walk with the help of walker. Physiotherapy regularly done.
Treatment Given
- 5.7.2000 GL - 3 in the morning through Kyle's 2.7.2000 GL - 3 in the evening to be mixed with carrot milk
- 10/9/2001 - 14/9/2001 GL - 14 + 8 - RG three times. Solid food started. Hearing of songs. Maintenance of I.V. Fluid removed. 15/9/2001 - 16/9/2001 18 + 10 -28 x 3 times.
- Heavy reflections noted. Reduced the dosage of RG.
- 17/9/2001 - 30/9/2001 was on 16+ 5 three times
- Karthik improved very well. Physiotherapy was given.
- 4/10/2001 - 18/10/2001 RG - 2 Three times. GL - 4 Three times
- All I.V. tubes, Monitor, catheter removed,
- 18/10/2001 - Discharged form hospital.
- From 13/7/2000 to 19/9/2000 GL - 4 in the Morning GL - 4 in t he Evening
- From 20/7/2000 - 24/7/2000 GL - 4 in the Morning + 1/2 RG GL - 4 in the Evening + 1/2 RG
- During all this period, the boy was under constant observation, and improvement in his health was noted and recorded.
- 9/8/2000 - 25/8/2000 GL 16 + 1 RG (Morning) GL 16 + 3 RG(Evening)
- 26/8/2000 - 31/8/2000 GL 12 + 6 RG (Morning). GL 10 + 5 RG (Afternoon). GL 10 + 5 RG (Evening).
- During this period very good improvement head fixing improved weeping whenever he sees his parents.
- 1/9/2000 - 3/9/2001. Morning (RG-6, GL-12). Afternoon(RG-5, GL-10). Evening(RG-5, GL-10).
- Weeping continuous whenever he sees his parents and identified all persons (Relatives and friends) in the photos. Confirmed that Karthik has full memory intact.
Inference: Ganoderma has helped in regeneration of brain and nerve cells and improve the functions of nervous system.
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