✅Narito ang ilan sa mga posibilidad:
may luslos ka ba? Ang luslos o hernia ay isang kondisyon kung saan hindi kompleto ang pagkakahiwalay ng bayag sa loob ng tiyan, kaya maaaring lumuslos ang bahagi ng bituka sa bayag isa mga kadahilanan ng lumuluslos ang bayag ng bituka dahil sa stress kapag sa babae ang tawag dito ay #BUWA . Ito ay pwedeng magdulot ng paglaki ng bayag at pagkirot. Sa luslos, kalimitan ay hindi pantay ang paglaki ng bayag (halimbawa, mas malaki sa kanan kaysa kaliwa). Ang pagkakaron ng luslos ay nakukuha sa pagkabata pa lang ngunit ito’y maaaring magsumpong dahil sa pagbubuhat ng mabigat, pag-ubo ng malakas, pag-iri, o kung ikaw ay bumibigat ang timbang. Ito’y pwedeng kusang mawala at bumalik muli.
Maari ring imbes na bahagi ng bituka ay pagkakaron ng labis na tubig. Ito naman ay tinatawag na hydrocoele, at may iba’t ibang pwedeng maging sanhi nito gaya ng pagkakabundol ng bayag sa isang aksidente, o impeksyon.
Bukod dito, ang pagkakaron ng tumor sa bayag ay isa ring posibilidad, ngunit luslos ang isa sa pinakaraniwang sanhi ng mga sintomas na iyong nabanggit.
Ang #LUSLOS O #BUWA ay wala gamot ang kailangan NATURAL WAY of healing sa pamamagitan ng tama THERAPY at tama NUTRITION
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Amenorrhea is the absence of menstruation — one or more missed menstrual periods. Women who have missed at least three menstrual periods in a row have amenorrhea, as do girls who haven't begun menstruation by age 15.
The main sign of amenorrhea is the absence of menstrual periods. Depending on the cause of amenorrhea, you might experience other signs or symptoms along with the absence of periods, such as:
Milky nipple discharge
Hair loss
Vision changes
Excess facial hair
Pelvic pain
Hair loss
Vision changes
Excess facial hair
Pelvic pain
Amenorrhea can occur for a variety of reasons. Some are normal during the course of a woman's life, while others may be a side effect of medication or a sign of a medical problem.
Natural amenorrhea
Natural amenorrhea
During the normal course of your life, you may experience amenorrhea for natural reasons, such as:
Some women who take birth control pills may not have periods. Even after stopping oral contraceptives, it may take some time before regular ovulation and menstruation return. Contraceptives that are injected or implanted also may cause amenorrhea, as can some types of intrauterine devices.
Certain medications can cause menstrual periods to stop, including some types of:
Cancer chemotherapy
Blood pressure drugs
Allergy medications
Cancer chemotherapy
Blood pressure drugs
Allergy medications
Lifestyle factors:
Sometimes lifestyle factors contribute to amenorrhea, for instance:
Low body weight. Excessively low body weight — about 10 percent under normal weight — interrupts many hormonal functions in your body, potentially halting ovulation. Women who have an eating disorder, such as anorexia or bulimia, often stop having periods because of these abnormal hormonal changes.
Excessive exercise. Women who participate in activities that require rigorous training, such as ballet, may find their menstrual cycles interrupted. Several factors combine to contribute to the loss of periods in athletes, including low body fat, stress and high energy expenditure.
Stress. Mental stress can temporarily alter the functioning of your hypothalamus — an area of your brain that controls the hormones that regulate your menstrual cycle. Ovulation and menstruation may stop as a result. Regular menstrual periods usually resume after your stress decreases.
Hormonal imbalance:
Many types of medical problems can cause hormonal imbalance, including:
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). PCOS causes relatively high and sustained levels of hormones, rather than the fluctuating levels seen in the normal menstrual cycle.
Thyroid malfunction. An overactive thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism) or underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism) can cause menstrual irregularities, including amenorrhea.
Pituitary tumor. A noncancerous (benign) tumor in your pituitary gland can interfere with the hormonal regulation of menstruation.
Premature menopause. Menopause usually begins around age 50. But, for some women, the ovarian supply of eggs diminishes before age 40, and menstruation stops.
Structural problems:
Problems with the sexual organs themselves also can cause amenorrhea. Examples include:
Uterine scarring. Asherman's syndrome, a condition in which scar tissue builds up in the lining of the uterus, can sometimes occur after a dilation and curettage (D&C), cesarean section or treatment for uterine fibroids.
Lack of reproductive organs. Sometimes problems arise during fetal development that lead to a girl being born without some major part of her reproductive system, such as her uterus, cervix or vagina. Because her reproductive system didn't develop normally, she can't have menstrual cycles.
Structural abnormality of the vagina. An obstruction of the vagina may prevent visible menstrual bleeding. A membrane or wall may be present in the vagina that blocks the outflow of blood from the uterus and cervix.
Complications of amenorrhea may include:
Infertility. If you don't ovulate and have menstrual periods, you can't become pregnant.
Osteoporosis. If your amenorrhea is caused by low estrogen levels, you may also be at risk of osteoporosis — a weakening of your bones.
Tomato Juice: Tomatoes are delicious fruits that help in treating amenorrhea. Drinking tomato juice every day is recommended for better results. Even Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of traditional medicine, recommends the intake of tomatoes as a remedy for amenorrhea.
Cinnamon: Cinnamon is a spice that originated in Asia. This spice has been traditionally used as a cure for different ailments, one of them being amenorrhea. A report submitted at Alexandria University in Egypt found that adolescent girls were using spices and herbs and spices for treating amenorrhea; one of the most popular was cinnamon.
Saffron: Saffron is an antioxidant believed to act as a toxin-flushing agent for the body. Boiling a pinch of saffron in water, cooling it and drinking the water throughout the day is believed to clean up the body from the inside out!
MORINZHI: A fruit called morinda citrofolia has unique effects on menstrual problems of female.The juice regulate cycle by boosting the immune system by detoxify toxins from body and also balance the hormone level in the body.
LINGZHI BLACK COFFEE: It is also beneficial to regulate the menstrual cycle bcz it contains ganoderma which removes the cause of amenorrhea by acting on cell level in the body.
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