Many times it happens that we head hurts sometimes, with some frequency or almost daily. There are different types of headache that can be derived from the tension or the daily stress, some guy that cluster are intermittent and those that are restricted to one side of the head and result in a neurological problem.
Here are a few keys to discover if this headache is a migraine.
For starters, the migraine is a neurological disease and can show up between 15 and 45 years and to be more common in women.
How to detect it?
Code 1.- It's a headache so intense that may preclude regular physical activity.
Key 2.- can be presented in attacks of acute pain, known as episodes which can occur 1 TO 4 times per month, with duration of 4 to 72 hours.
Code 3.- in susceptible individuals fasting (or constant malpasarse) may develop the problem, as well as to consume some additives like chocolate or soy sauce, also sausages and alcoholic beverages.
Code 4.- the aura is a phenomenon that occurs prior to an episode of migraine, it's a glare that distorts the vision or the decreases and can last from 4 minutes to an hour. It's dangerous because it decreases the visual field.
Code 5.- motor impairments can be presented as a language disorder, difficulty speaking, involuntary movement of any part of the body, that is why it is dangerous and preventing the physical activity.
Migraine can kill a person?
Don't. No matter how hard they is the headaches never cause death; however, they are incapacitating and cause serious physical and emotional disorders in those who suffer from it often.
Some recommendations to treat migraine are changing the style of life one more easy to reduce the level of the daily stress; to change the hours of sleep and meal times and modify food a rich in substances that oxygenate the brain and promote Improvement of blood circulation, since during the migraine decreases the irrigation of blood in some areas of the brain, as well as increase the consumption of water.
Dxn company leader in the industry of cultivation, production and distribution of Ganoderma Lucidum offers potential solutions to improve blood circulation, which includes irrigate the parts of the brain and with regular consumption to lower the annoying disorders that cause the episodes of the migraine.

How to treat naturally with Ganoderma
Are hard deposits and similar to rock glasses that are formed within the gallbladder. These calculations can be as small as a grain of sand or as large as a golf ball, depending on the length of time spent in their training.
Causes, prevalence and risk factors
The cause of the gallstones varies. Some calculations are formed when there's too much cholesterol or bilirubin in the bile.
Treatment with Ganoderma
As already explained above the why of the crystallization of the bile that comes to be high cholesterol in the body, all because of a bad nutrition and consequently a liver toxic.
Natural treatment that offers the ganoderma is the detoxification, there lies the whole treatment, all diseases have a beginning the autointoxicacion by a bad nutrition.
The ganoterapia consists of the cleaning of the toxins in the colon and the other 4 escape routes that are the liver, kidneys, lungs and skin. Through the consumption of Ganoderma Lucidum, this will ensure the lithotripsy natural that is crushing the crystals or calculations and remove them from our body, without surgeries or painful processes of recovery
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