Depending on the type of calculation, changes in the way of life can help prevent recurrence. To the majority of patients are advised to drink large amounts of water: 14 cups a day. Since the high consumption of fish, meat or bird can cause calculations, you can also recommend a diet with low content of animal protein.
Nutritional supplements
Ganoderma Lucidum enjoys special veneration in Asia, where it has been used in traditional Chinese medicine as a medicine for over 4.000 years. Lingzhi has proven to be anti-inflammatory, antiviral, anti-parasitic, fungicides, calculations, antidiabetic, anti-Personnel Antihypertensives, and protection of the liver
Lingzhi Coffee with Ganoderma
Prevents the formation of gallstones. Several studies have found that drinking a cup of lingzhi coffee daily to help prevent the formation of kidney stones and bile. Coffee with Ganoderma has a diuretic effect and by increasing urine output is discarded minerals that could accumulate. —
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