Like a race horse with it’s blinder on, you will only see what is in front of you, that is what it takes to be successful is to focus straight ahead. Unsuccessful people look all over the place, they look at this then they look at that program changing every few months and fail at all because they are not focused on just one.
Like a race horse with it’s blinder on, you will only see what is in front of you, that is what it takes to be successful is to focus straight ahead. Unsuccessful people look all over the place, they look at this then they look at that program changing every few months and fail at all because they are not focused on just one.
Drive will keep you going when you want to throw in the towel. Drive is something you can be born with but can also be learned. I am driven in all I do. Don’t look for others to motivate you, motivation comes from within not from without. IF you cannot motivate yourself you will have a hard time being successful.
Drive will keep you going when you want to throw in the towel. Drive is something you can be born with but can also be learned. I am driven in all I do. Don’t look for others to motivate you, motivation comes from within not from without. IF you cannot motivate yourself you will have a hard time being successful.
Consistency is the oil of your drive. A lot of people will start things well but will not finish. Consistence is vital to success. If you start something then finish it not matter what it is. A lot of people will start something on a Monday then try something else on a Tuesday and so on, that is not consistent. Stay focused today and tomorrow and the next day and so on. Do the same thing day after day.
Consistency is the oil of your drive. A lot of people will start things well but will not finish. Consistence is vital to success. If you start something then finish it not matter what it is. A lot of people will start something on a Monday then try something else on a Tuesday and so on, that is not consistent. Stay focused today and tomorrow and the next day and so on. Do the same thing day after day.
Rome was not built in a day, neither is success stories. There is no such thing as over night success, someone that becomes successful was working in the background, working on their craft long before we hear about them. Then boom suddenly we hear about them but they started along before, so really was not an overnight success.
Rome was not built in a day, neither is success stories. There is no such thing as over night success, someone that becomes successful was working in the background, working on their craft long before we hear about them. Then boom suddenly we hear about them but they started along before, so really was not an overnight success.
In order for a plant to grow, a seed must first be planted, a farmer is not going to have crop if he is not first willing to invest in the seed. And he may plant thousands or millions of seeds but there will not be thousands of millions of plants that grow. Being afraid to invest your time, money, energy, love, etc. will keep you on the unsuccessful list.
In order for a plant to grow, a seed must first be planted, a farmer is not going to have crop if he is not first willing to invest in the seed. And he may plant thousands or millions of seeds but there will not be thousands of millions of plants that grow. Being afraid to invest your time, money, energy, love, etc. will keep you on the unsuccessful list.
Pride is an ugly thing, especially when it keeps you from growing and learning. So don’t ever think you have all the answers or know it all, you could actually stifle your business, and actually stop it dead in its tracks if you are not willing to learn from others. Good mentors and coaches are a big plus to any business so use them well.
Pride is an ugly thing, especially when it keeps you from growing and learning. So don’t ever think you have all the answers or know it all, you could actually stifle your business, and actually stop it dead in its tracks if you are not willing to learn from others. Good mentors and coaches are a big plus to any business so use them well.
Millions of people are in these habits which is about 95%, it is our job to help them see the light and move into the 5% of successful people like we are striving to be.
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