Don't tell me your age, you'd probably will lie anyway.

Step 1: Answer this question:
“How many times in a week you are consuming DXN products?” (Your answer should be 1 to 9)
“How many times in a week you are consuming DXN products?” (Your answer should be 1 to 9)
Step 2: Multiply the result by TWO to make it more believable.
Anyway, you are a wise consumer of DXN products, right?
Step 3: Add FIVE to the result from Step 2.
Step 4: Multiply the result of Step 3 by FIFTY.
Step 5: From the result of Step 4, add 1,759 IF you already had your birthday this year (2009).
IF NOT YET, add 1,758 only.
Step 6: Subtract your four digit birth year from the Step 5 result.

*** You should now have a three-digit answer ***

The last 2 digits on the RIGHT is your AGE (Yes! Surprised?).
While the digit on the LEFT is your answer on Step 1.
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If you think this is cool, share it to ALL your DXN partners and friends…
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