Network marketing training should not be overwhelming. If you are looking for the essence of success and want to narrow down your priorities when business your network marketing business here they are.
These are the skills that separate zero dollar earners from six figure earners. In network marketing training, I’ve heard a lot of guesses about what they are including: persuasion, lead generation, product creation, copywriting, people skills, perseverance…
These are all important, but I’m sure you agree that they’re to take action on and learn…we need to get more specific. There are three simple, core competencies that leave all other skills in the dust.
These three skills are just as rare as they are valuable, and if you master them, you’ll have everyone on your team begging you for your secret.
Network marketing training skills you need to learn and master a soon as possible.
1: Leveraging Technology To Generate Quality LeadsYou can be the smoking’ hot sales person of the century, but without leads, you’re stuck. The good news is that today nagging your friends and family and making cold calls just to generate a few measly leads is not necessary. Thanks to internet technology, you can now attract a steady stream of qualified leads consistently.
The fact is most people grossly underestimate the width and depth of the internet technology. But if you master the skill of online lead generation, your recruiting will jump ahead over 90% of network marketer.
2: Developing Great Written Communication Skills
Most people in network marketing tell you that you don’t have to do this or that, you don’t have to know marketing…just be yourself, use the product and talk to people. Yeah…that may work to make a few hundred dollars a month. But if you want the six figure income, there’s more to it.
The truth is that no matter what you’re selling, if you can’t “market it “ and show it to as many people as possible online, you are stuck working one-on-one, which is way limiting. If you can’t get as many people as possible to buy it, you have a small business. But with great writing skills, you can cover a lot of miles.
This is true whether you’re selling a product to customers or recruiting players for your downline and also doing all the necessary follow up. The power of the written word can give you the edge you need in a web drive industry.
Facebook posts, blog posts, reports, emails, video scripts, prospecting scripts, etc. these are all necessary elements that you must master in today’s competitive network marketing environment.
They say leaders are readers…but look closely, they are also writers! On the web, people with good written communication skills have an unfair advantage over those who don’t have them.
This is why you need a decision to acquire rock solid written communication skills. Most important, this written skills, grease the wheels for you to master the top skill of them all…
3: High-Trust, Question-Based, Verbal Communication and Selling
High pressure, fear based, slam selling might help you sell a car or a timeshare, but network marketing isn’t about selling products, it’s about building relationships. It’s about asking questions, connecting “at their level” and solving problems.
The presentation is about them, not you! You must engage your prospect; paint the picture of the outcome with words instead of simply selling benefits and features.
Mastering the psychology of prospecting and high-trust selling is a delicate skill, and less than 5% of the population ever learns it. To add to this, only a fraction of this 5% understands what they’re doing well enough to teach it to others.
What chance does this leave for you to discover how to master the top skills of heavyweight network marketers? Thankfully, you’re in the right place at the right time, and this is your invitation to become the next superstar of your network marketing organization.
It’s not hard to master these network marketing secrets it just takes some dedication. When doing network marketing training with your team, emphasize the importance of these skills. Imagine if more people in your downline where great at lead generation as well as great writer and communicators!
To Your Success!
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