Due to the above situation, my health deteriorated to the point of suffering serious intestinal problems. It was during that time that I met someone who was a DXN member, and who was so determined during the 6 months he took to convince me to join the business, although I repeatedly told him; "Really, coffee? Are you crazy? I have serious intestinal problems, my doctor forbade me coffee". After explaining to me about the product, I was convinced to taste DXN coffee and was happy to find that it did not cause me any negative effects and I was even able to sleep peacefully that night, something that I was not able to do in a long time.
Once I tasted DXN coffee, my faith in the product began.
When I first started with the DXN business, people had no idea of my economic situation; no one knew that I didn’t even have enough money to buy a simple soda. I could not even buy my own membership, but my wife helped me and thanks to her, we were able to begin our DXN journey. When I first started the business, my strategy was to use the sense of smell. I introduced the product to people by asking them to take a sniff of the coffee in its sachet and when they got a whiff of the delicious aroma of DXN coffee, they bought the product immediately.
Since I understood the structure of the DXN business, I knew I had a lottery ticket in my hands: we all want to buy a car, a house or travel, but only a few will take the risk and the opportunity to buy that ticket and make their dreams come true.
In 20 days, I became a Star Agent (SA) because I worked hard enough to sell 500 boxes of product.
That’s why I ask you, "When are you starting?". The first year is going to be difficult, but if you have the drive and focus in the business, in building your network and you practice the DXN culture, then you are on the right track.
There is a big difference between an employee and us; if the employee decides to take a vacation, his income will stop during that time. On the other hand, the DXN distributor that has a solid network and has committed to the company, will receive his paycheck every month. That is not something you hear every day, right?
I thank all the people who have helped me overcome challenges and for their effort because if it was not for the teamwork, the network would not be the same today. And of course, I thank my wife and sons for supporting me in this business, because without them none of this would be possible. "Be careful! Because in DXN, if you have a dream, those dreams can come true!"
Join DXN Now and Tell The World …
… Before The World Tells You!
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