You might be asking yourself, “Should I even try to approach my warm market to present my network marketing or home based business?”
Yes, of course you should! That is if you want to work with them of course.
And to be honest, some of the best business builder can be found within your warm market. Here is my point of view, if you really care about them, and if you feel your business or product can be something that they can benefit from, you should at least approach them about it. What you offer, can be exactly what they have been looking for.
Depending on your social status and your relationship with the people that you know there are different strategies on how you approach them, and below I’m going to share some awesome warm marketing “MLM prospecting tips” that you can implement immediately.
MLM Prospecting Tips – Detach Yourself

The painful reality is that most people will not join and that is ok, but you shouldn’t let that affect you in a negative way. When prospecting your warm market you need to approach it with the “I’m going to do this with or without you mentality” Of course if they are a true friend you rather do it with them. But they need to see your passion and fire to succeed in this business.
Being detached from the outcome is one of the most power mlm prospecting tips.
MLM Prospecting Tips – How Being Successful Benefits You
If your warm market knows you as a successful business person, almost any business script will work. It doesn’t matter what you say, because you are a well respected business man within your community. They know how serious you are and how much work you are will to put into the business to grow it. Small business owners are a great example of this.Also, if you are seen as an expert in the product you want to sell, almost any product script will work for you. For example, if you are a doctor, you will be able to sell any health and wellness product. If you are a pilot or a travel agent, you’ll have great success selling a travel product.
If you are a professional who gets paid by commission like a real estate, insurance agent, or financial advisor; very savvy professional small business owner you can use a script similar to this:
“I’m doing this thing, I am going to run with it hard and doing it with or without you, but I would love to do it with you, want to run with me?”If you are highly respected you don’t even have to much explaining, as they already how successful you’ve been in the past.
I know what you are saying… “But Aldo, I’m new. I’ve never had a business in the past, let alone experience and business success.” If this is you, don’t worry, the MLM prospecting tips below will help.
MLM Prospecting Tips – The Rookie
If people don’t see you as a successful person or somebody who is not business savvy, don’t lead with opportunity. If you have never been associated with anything business in the past, the script that a successful business owner uses will not work for you.For example, if you are a stay at home mom, you won’t be able to go to your doctor or attorney and tell them “I’m going to do this with or without you”. That is just not going to work. They are going to think you are crazy, and wish you luck.
If you are a person with no sales or business experience here is a scripted you can use when approaching somebody who is well respected and of authority:
“Hey, I’m doing a side project to make some extra money and would love your support in checking out the product, I think it could benefit you”!Noticed the business was not mentioned at all.
If you are not somebody who’s been associated with business, making money, or being as successful entrepreneur; DO NOT lead with the business. This is one of the most simple and effective MLM prospecting tips you can use
MLM Prospecting Tips – The Burnt Approach
What if you are known as the MLM dude, who’s been in 20 different MLM deals in the past and who’s pitched and exhausted his entire warm market with all the past MLM ventures. If that is you, I feel for you, because you have completely burned out your warm market.These people are totally immune to your money message. They will not listen to anything you say in regards to making money. They are completely vaccinated from your message. It doesn’t matter if your business pays 1000%, they are not going to want to hear what you say.
This is a good approach:
“Hey I know you have zero interest in the business, but I think you might like this product.”As mentioned earlier in this post, you must lead with the products. Why? Because, it only matters that you get eyeballs to the presentation. What you say to get them their will not dictate their decision.
See, most people are looking for sign-ups, but instead of looking for sign ups, you should focus on getting eyeballs to the presentation.
In some cases after seeing the presentation of your product, they are going to ask you, “Why don’t you think I’ll be interested in the business”. This is a very indirect approach that can help you sell products and get new people from your burnt out warm market to join your business. This is one of my favorite MLM prospecting tips that was taught to me by one of my mentors who’s made millions in this industry.
I’ll gladly give you my 10-Day Online Recruiting Bootcamp for free by clicking here, if you’re ready to learn more.
It’s Not Too Late
If you goofed this approach and approached your warm market incorrectly by leading with the business, go back to them and just approach them with the product. You can say something like this:“Hey listen, I just want to apologize. I came to you when I was real new and desperate in this business and I really goofed, so just wanted to apologize again. Since then I’ve gotten better training and things are going really well with the business and I’m really enjoying it. That’s all for now.”If you do this without pitching your business, you’ll gain so much rapport and respect from the person.
This is powerful because later you might run into to them again and you can just give them an update and give them a testimonial by saying:
“You can say my friend Rachel, she started using the product 2 months ago and she lost 20 pounds using it”Who know with this approach, you probably get a new customer.
I hope you found these MLM prospecting tips useful and valuable, if so, please share with your team or like, comment or share this blog post.
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