Monday, February 12, 2018

Reishi + Soya + Malt = Nutrizhi for Children and Adults

It is said that soybean has long been recognized for its health giving benefits. And some findings stated that it is an excellent and rich source of protein and isoflavones. Its protein content is 40% more than any other unprocessed plant foods. In addition, it contains all the eight essential amino acids required for good health.

It is specially prepared from premium quality of non-GMO or non Genetically Modified Organism certified soybeans cultivated in Heilong Jiang, China. Nutrizhi contains high quality of soy protein, isoflavones, rich in fibers and cholesterol free.

DXN NutriZhi is a mixed soy and malt nutritious beverage specially formulated using premium quality of soybeans, malt and Ganoderma Mycelium extracts.

NutriZhi is fortified with Lecithin, Omega 3, Omega 6 and high in calcium, iron, vitamin A, C and E.

It is rich and creamy with natural soybean taste and great aroma of malt, thus making it truly nutritious and delicious. Now, enjoy NutriZhi with your family for better health and vitality.

Why you should take DXN NutriZhi???

● Soybeans is one of the oldest and most nutritious foods in the world.
● Soya has many nutritional advantages as it contains protein, fibre and isoflavones which have positive effects on cholesterol, bone density, menstrual and menopausal symptoms as well as preventing certain cancers.
● Soya is an excellent source of high quality protein which is low in saturated fats and cholesterol free

Health Benefits of Soya

Soya contains phytoestrogens, chemicals found in plant foods. There are different types of phytoestrogens but the ones found in soya bean products are called isoflavones. Soyaisoflavones (daidzein and genistein) have attracted a great deal of research and some studies suggest that women with a soya-rich diet may have a lower risk of breast cancer. However, it is not clear whether genetic makeup (which influences the way in which the body metabolises food) and environmental factors interact with the soya and therefore produce different effects in people.

Phytoestrogens have been found to help block the effects of excess oestrogen in the body, evening out any imbalance in the ratio between oestrogen and progesterone. They appear to work by locking into the oestrogen-receptor sites on cells and in doing so they block out the stronger natural oestrogens. They can therefore be helpful in improving symptoms of oestrogen dominance such as PMS and endometriosis.

Due to the phytoestrogen content of soya, many women decide to include it in their diet as they enter the menopause. During the menopause, the body’s natural production of oestrogen stops and symptoms may ensue. As phytoestrogens act as a weak oestrogen, they may help relieve symptoms by boosting levels slightly.

Soya is regarded as equal to animal foods in protein quality yet it is thought that plant proteins are processed differently to animal proteins. For example, experimental studies have shown that soya protein isolates tend to lower cholesterol levels while protein from animal sources can raise cholesterol levels.

Soya beans also contain compounds called phytosterols. These plant compounds are structurally similar to cholesterol and steroid hormones. They function to inhibit the absorption of cholesterol by blocking absorption sites. The cholesterol lowering effects of phytosterols are well documented.

Genetics and environmental factors play a huge part in how our bodies react to certain foods, so as yet we can’t say whether a diet rich in phytoestrogenic foods is beneficial or not. If you are a vegetarian or vegan, soya-based foods can be an invaluable part of your diet.

Health Benefits of Reishi
Can baby take Ganoderma herb?

Actually, a better question is "Why and when should baby take Ganoderma herb?"

Ganoderma is often known for its effectiveness in improving various aging problems. However, baby and small kid can also take this herb to improve certain health condition.

Improving baby's immunity

If your baby often gets sick, this shows her immunity is low. There are various factors affecting baby's immune system. Some of them are genetic factor, insufficient nutrient and suppressed immunity due to intoxication.

The Polysaccharides in Ganoderma help to improve baby's immune system naturally. And most importantly, Ganoderma can achieve this without any side effects on baby's tender organs.

Ganoderma herb also helps to regulate immunity and improve allergic reaction. Therefore, this herb also benefits baby with allergic symptoms such as asthma, nose allergy or skin allergy.

Detoxify baby's body

"Where are all the toxins in baby's body come from?" you may ask.

Unfortunately, when baby takes her first breath, she already has various types of toxin in her body. These toxins are transferred to baby's body through her mother's decades of accumulated toxins.

After birth, baby continues to absorb toxins from her environment such as:
  • soap, shampoo, toothpaste, etc.
  • clothing with bright color
  • formaldehyde vapor from new furniture or room paint
  • vaccines
Although Ganoderma cannot detoxify all type of toxins, this herb can help to neutralize heavy metals and medicine toxins. It also reduces harmful free radicals in baby's body.

This is especially important when baby is taking vaccines. Most vaccine contains mercury, aluminum and other harmful toxins. Since Ganoderma can detoxify mercury, it is important to let baby take Ganoderma before and after receiving vaccine jabs.

Ganoderma dosage for baby

Baby up to 1 year old can take 1/3 capsule of Ganoderma extract twice a day. Baby older than 1 year old can take 1/2 capsule twice a day. Just open up Ganoderma capsule and mix the powder into baby's milk.

If baby cannot get use to Ganoderma's bitter taste, just mix lesser Ganoderma into baby's milk in the beginning. Later you can gradually increase the amount to the desired dosage.

Choosing the correct Ganoderma extract for baby is equally important. Of course, never let baby drink Ganoderma coffee. We only want baby to have pure Ganoderma extract, not the coffee, creamer and sugar. Choosing inferior Ganoderma product may also put baby at risk of getting other harmful substances that affect her growth.

A better alternative is to use DXN Ganoderma extract. This is much preferable than the usual vacuum packing Ganoderma. For a safer and more effective Ganoderma extract for baby, you can use Reishi Ganoderma Powder.
Health Benefits of Malt

Rich in B Vitamins

As a rich source of B vitamins, malt extract may increase the B-vitamin content of the beverages it's used in -- including thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, folate and vitamin B-6. The amount may vary depending on the malt beverage you're drinking, however. B vitamins are necessary for metabolizing the carbs, protein and fat in food into energy. They also help regulate appetite, promote good vision and keep your skin healthy.

Source of Essential Amino Acids

Malt extract is a source of essential amino acids, which your body needs to make the proteins. Although some malt extract beverages are not a significant source of protein, they may help provide a small amount of these essential nutrients, boosting your intake.

Good for Your Bones

Good nutrition is important for bone health. Some malt extract beverages may not be a significant source of the nutrients your bones need for good health, but they can help boost your intake. In addition to calcium, these drinks may also contain phosphorus and magnesium, also important minerals that help keep your bones healthy and strong. All three minerals make up the primary structure of your bones, while magnesium is also needed to regulate the hormones responsible for mineral metabolism.

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