Thursday, February 15, 2018


Something is wrong. You just don’t have the energy you used to anymore. Even your friends and family are beginning to ask questions about your health. It’s gotten to the point where your lack of energy is almost embarrassing. You’ve been to the doctor but your blood tests have come back negative. So, what’s going on?

It could be a condition called adrenal fatigue. Adrenal fatigue is a misunderstood condition not widely recognized by the medical community. This can lead to frustration trying to get proper treatment for it. Adrenal fatigue relief can be achieved through dietary and lifestyle changes and adding Cordyceps medicinal mushrooms.

Adrenal Fatigue is a Real Condition
Your adrenals are two glands that sit on top of your kidneys. They are responsible for producing cortisol, testosterone, epinephrine, and norepinephrine; the stress hormones that prepare your body for fight-or-flight situations. These glands are not designed for a constant demand of all these chemicals.

When stressful life events or a long illness cause an over-production of these chemicals, your adrenals can become burnt out and fail to output the hormones you need to get through your day.

A condition known as ‘mild adrenal insufficiency’ was recognized by the medical establishment in 1939. However, this information seems to have been largely forgotten. Addison’s disease or, severe adrenal insufficiency, seems to be the only current official diagnosis for very low adrenal function. Since adrenal fatigue is a milder form of this condition, it does not show up on standard laboratory tests.

Symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue:

• You can’t sleep properly

Extreme fatigue and an inability to get sufficient rest is often a sign of adrenal fatigue. An over-production of cortisol can make you feel anxious and restless, even when all you want to do is sleep.

• You feel more alert after 6pm

If you have adrenal fatigue, your adrenals may have as much trouble waking up in the morning as you do. Feeling exhausted in the morning but more alert during the evening hours may indicated your adrenals are burnt out.

• You look like a raccoon

Dark under eye circles are often a tell-tale sign of adrenal fatigue. You may find people peering into your face and telling you to “get more sleep” more often than you want to hear. You may have even taken to wearing eye makeup everyday just to avoid the comments.

• Your menstrual cycle is off

If your adrenals are off, you may notice your menstrual cycle is as well. The adrenals are the only source of testosterone in a woman’s body. Without adequate levels, you may notice your periods are less frequent or last for only a day or two.

• Everyday stresses overwhelm you

If you find yourself snapping at everyone or crying easily over small stresses, adrenal fatigue could be to blame.

• Your muscles and joints are stiff

Increased inflammation and intermittent insomnia can result in muscle and joint pain.

• You’re exhausted after exercise

Unless you participate in grueling exercise sessions on a regular basis, exercise should make you feel alert and refreshed, not exhausted. If you find you cannot exercise without fatigue, your adrenals may be burnt out.

• Your digestion is impaired

When your body enters into a state of fight-or-flight, your digestion slows down so more blood can circulate throughout your system. Adrenal fatigue can keep your digestion slow and sluggish, leading to weight gain, constipation, and chronic indigestion.

Your Body Needs Rest to Get Better

The best way to beat adrenal fatigue is to give your body what it desperately needs: Rest. Your best bet is to go to bed at or before 10pm and sleep as long as you are able. If you’re having trouble sleeping, magnesium and Reishi medicinal mushrooms can help you sink into the deep, restorative sleep you need to heal.

A Nutrient-Dense Diet is Key to Recovery

Highly-processed foods are the worst types of foods you can eat if you have adrenal fatigue. It’s important to slowly wean off these foods and nourish your body with organic vegetables, fruit, nuts, seed, beans, whole (non-gluten) grains, grass-fed meat, poultry, and wild-caught fish.

I also recommend investing in coconut oil. Coconut oil is a medium-chain fatty acid that is small enough to enter your cell’s mitochondria, which gives you some energy to burn. Coconut oil has also been shown to suppress inflammation and assist your body in tissue repair.

Adrenal Fatigue Relief with Cordyceps Medicinal Mushrooms

Cordyceps medicinal mushrooms have been used for centuries to treat a wide variety of chronic conditions. Cordyceps contains an inhibitory neurotransmitter called adenosine, which helps regulate your sleep cycle and acts as a natural anti-inflammatory.

Medicinal mushrooms help regulate your immune system, boosting it if it needs boosting and calming it if it’s over-active. Medicinal mushrooms also have natural adaptogenic properties, meaning they work with your body to help it better cope with everyday stresses.

Cordyceps also contain high quantities of protein and essential nutrients that help nourish your body and encourage it to function at its best.

Adrenal fatigue is a real condition. You’re not crazy. Healing your body with rest, nutrition, and Cordyceps medicinal mushrooms can help get you back to that healthy, vibrant feeling you remember!

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