Friday, August 31, 2018

Early Warning Signs Of Ovarian Cancer That Women Should Never Ignore

Ovarian cancer has been called the “silent murderer” because as in other types of cancers, the symptoms may appear when the disease is already in the serious stage. This type of cancer is the second most common gynecological type of cancer among women, but which has a higher mortality rate because in almost all cases it is discovered when it is too late.
According to reports in recent years, only 50% of women diagnosed with ovarian cancer survive up to 5 years after initial diagnosis. This is because in many cases it is detected at an advanced stage. However, experts say that early detection of this disease increases life expectancy up to 95%.
Ovarian cancer can happen in women of any age, but the risk increases from age 50 and older, with women aged 65 running the greatest risk of being diagnosed with it. It is important to learn about and know some of the symptoms that might alert us to possible ovarian cancer. But first, remember that these are warnings that should be examined by a specialist, since they can also be related to other health problems.

These are the warning signs of ovarian cancer:

1. Abdominal bloating or swelling:
Although this is a common symptom for a variety of health problems, feeling a swollen stomach and noting that the abdomen has increased in size could indicate ovarian cancer. If you notice that you often have this problem, it is best to consult with a doctor.

2. Digestive symptoms:
In addition to abdominal bloating, symptoms such as indigestion, constipation, abdominal cramps and discomfort, or any change in bowel habits are also warning signs.

3. Pelvic pain:
Pelvic pain can be a very important signal of this disease. If the pain is frequent and seems to have no explanation, it is best to consult with a doctor and avoid masking it with some kind of painkiller.

4. Back pain:
If you experience pain in the lower back and have no reason to explain it, this can be another symptom of the disease.

5. Frequent and uncontrolled urination:
If suddenly you start to feel the urge to urinate frequently and you almost cannot control it, it’s possible that something may not be right. Usually these complaints are accompanied by pain or burning during urination and frequent urination at short intervals. These symptoms may indicate a weakness of the pelvic floor muscles, or may also be clear symptoms of a urinary tract infection. However, it is important to consult with a doctor, since it has been shown that these can also be common symptoms of ovarian cancer.

6. Unexplained weight gain or loss:
Many women often feel very happy when they inexplicably lose much weight, but they should know that this is not normal and may be a sign that something is very wrong in the body. The same is true when there is unexplained weight gain. Generally you can also experience a loss of appetite or a feeling of being full all the time.

7. Fatigue:
People may feel fatigued due to a variety of health problems and even stress. However, this symptom is also quite common when suffering from ovarian cancer. You may feel tired, without energy and weak quite often, this is a sign that something is not right.

8. Pain during sexual intercourse:
If instead of enjoying sexual intercourse you often suffer from pain, consult with your doctor as this is also a common symptom of ovarian cancer.

Below are the other symptoms that you should keep in mind:
  • Vaginal bleeding in postmenopausal women
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Anemia
  • Frequent stomach pain.
These symptoms have been linked to ovarian cancer but it an also be a signs of other health problems. Keeping this in mind and identifying them can lead to a early detection and treatment of the disease.
Source: Step To Health


  1. Removal of Toxins & Toxicity in the Body.
  2. Balancing the Bio – Chemicals and Bio-Electricity in the System.
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How Cancer Will Develop?

[Cancer Update from Johns Hopkins ]
1. Every person has cancer cells in the body. These cancer cells do not show up in the standard tests until they have multiplied to a few billion. When doctors tell cancer patients that there are no more cancer cells in their bodies after treatment, it just means the tests are unable to detect the cancer cells because they have not reached the detectable size.
2. Cancer cells occur between 6 to more than 10 times in a person’s lifetime.
3. When the person’s immune system is strong the cancer cells will be destroyed and prevented from multiplying and forming tumors.
4. When a person has cancer it indicates the person has multiple nutritional deficiencies. These could be due to genetic, environmental, food and lifestyle factors.
5. To overcome the multiple nutritional deficiencies, changing diet and including supplements will strengthen the immune system.
6. Chemotherapy involves poisoning the rapidly-growing cancer cells and also destroys rapidly-growing healthy cells in the bone marrow, gastro-intestinal tract etc, and can cause organ damage, like liver, kidneys, heart, lungs etc.
7. Radiation while destroying cancer cells also burns, scars and damages healthy cells, tissues and organs.
8. Initial treatment with chemotherapy and radiation will often reduce tumor size. However prolonged use of chemotherapy and radiation do not result in more tumor destruction.
9. When the body has too much toxic burden from chemotherapy and radiation the immune system is either compromised or destroyed, hence the person can succumb to various kinds of infections and complications.
10. Chemotherapy and radiation can cause cancer cells to mutate and become resistant and difficult to destroy. Surgery can also cause cancer cells to spread to other sites.
11. An effective way to battle cancer is to STARVE the cancer cells by not feeding it with foods it needs to multiple.
What cancer cells feed on:
a. Sugar is a cancer-feeder. By cutting off sugar it cuts off one important food supply to the cancer cells. Note: Sugar substitutes like NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful, etc are made with Aspartame and it is harmful. A better natural substitute would be Manuka honey or molasses but only in very small amounts. Table salt has a chemical added to make it white in colour. Better alternative is Bragg’s amigos or sea salt.
b. Milk causes the body to produce mucus, especially in the gastro-intestinal tract. Cancer feeds on mucus. By cutting off milk and substituting with unsweetened soy milk, cancer cells will starved.
c. Cancer cells thrive in an acid environment. A meat-based diet is acidic and it is best to eat fish, and a little chicken rather than beef or pork. Meat also contains livestock antibiotics, growth hormones and parasites, which are all harmful, especially to people with cancer.
d. A diet made of 80% fresh vegetables and juice, whole grains, seeds, nuts and a little fruits help put the body into an alkaline environment. About 20% can be from cooked food including beans. Fresh vegetable juices provide live enzymes that are easily absorbed and reach down to cellular levels within 15 minutes t o nourish and enhance growth of healthy cells.
To obtain live enzymes for building healthy cells try and drink fresh vegetable juice (most vegetables including bean sprouts) and eat some raw vegetables 2 or 3 times a day. Enzymes are destroyed at temperatures of 104 degrees F (40 degrees C).
e. Avoid coffee, tea, and chocolate, which have high caffeine. Green tea is a better alternative and has cancer-fighting properties. Water–best to drink purified water, or filtered, to avoid known toxins and heavy metals in tap water. Distilled water is acidic, avoid it.
12. Meat protein is difficult to digest and requires a lot of digestive enzymes. Undigested meat remaining in the intestines will become purified and leads to more toxic buildup.
13. Cancer cell walls have a tough protein covering. By refraining from or eating less meat it frees more enzymes to attack the protein walls of cancer cells and allows the body’s killer cells to destroy the cancer cells.
14. Some supplements build up the immune system (IP6, Flor-ssence, Essiac, anti-oxidants, vitamins, minerals, EFAs etc.) to enable the body’s own killer cells to destroy cancer cells. Other supplements like vitamin E are known to cause apoptosis, or programmed cell death, the body’s normal method of disposing of damaged, unwanted, or unneeded cells.
15. Cancer is a disease of the mind, body, and spirit. A proactive and positive spirit will help the cancer warrior be a survivor.
Anger, unforgiving and bitterness put the body into a stressful and acidic environment. Learn to have a loving and forgiving spirit. Learn to relax and enjoy life.
16. Cancer cells cannot thrive in an oxygenated environment. Exercising daily, and deep breathing help to get more oxygen down to the cellular level. Oxygen therapy is another means employed to destroy cancer cells.

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Why Be Sick… If You Can Be Well

These days, vast amounts of money are being spent on scientific research for the purpose of understanding why
and how the body functions, whereas Traditional Medicine which is thousands of years old, has already understood
the question of “Balance,” or Yin and Yang.

Today Western Medicine is embracing some of the Traditional Medicine concepts, and is slowly understanding that
given the right food, which is laden with live rich nutrients, the body can correct many of its own health problems.

This brochure summarises some of the knowledge gained from Research, the Traditional and Scientific (Herring’s)
Laws of Natural Healing, and Traditional observation theories developed over time.


“There are only two causes of health problems – Toxins and Imbalance.”
Toxin is defined as any substance in excess, or primarily, harmful to the normal functioning of the body. Imbalance
is broadly defined as the body not functioning to the optimum level as it should – this could include injury, and the
failure of cells to operate properly.

For example, the body must have a certain amount of sugar, but excess sugar is a toxin. The Pancreas may not
function properly as an indirect result. The malfunction (imbalance) of the Pancreas may then lead to other health
problems, such as digestive, eye, heart, foot or kidney problems. If one part of the body is not in balance, this can
affect all other parts in some way – so the whole body (a mass of inter-dependent organs and systems) is in a
state of imbalance.

TheTraditional view of health problems is “holistic”, not “segmented.” Instead of saying “disease” as an isolated
problem in the body, it would be more appropriate to say, “dis-ease”, meaning “out of balance.”

As another example, the body makes phlegm to help expel germs or irritants in the lungs, but if all the phlegm is not
expelled, it packs down into the lower lung and becomes a harmful toxin, because it restricts the lungs’ normal breathing. The lung is then in a state of imbalance (not functioning as it should). In severe cases, this may lead to chronic shortness of breath, and problems with other organs, by placing increased load on the heart and cardiovascular system for instance, or reducing the oxygen supply to the brain and other body cells.

The body also absorbs toxins from the environment, via your breathing, incorrect food and drink choices, and absorption through your eyes and skin. It has three ways to deal with toxins:
First, it will expel whatever it can by sweating or urine (for water soluble toxins) or by stools, vomiting, pimples, skin rashes etc (for non-water soluble toxins).
Second, what it cannot expel, it will store, in an area that is temporarily harmless, such as around the belly, hips or
in joints – wrists, knuckles, etc. – for later disposal. However, if the toxin intake continues to exceed the rate at which
the body can expel them, eventually these storage areas also give problems; the soft fat becomes hard; the joints
painful and difficult to move. When the sensible person corrects the imbalance, the body gathers the toxins together
for disposal, and this can be painful at first.

Third, it can form toxic cells into clumps known as tumors to prevent or delay the spread of these cells through the
body. The cells may be toxic due to acidity, stress, virus, or other abnormality. The body tries to encase the  tumours in a protective membrane or sheath, to further delay their spread; if successful the tumour is called “benign” – unlikely to spread – and if not, “malignant” – likely to spread. However, whilst sometimes necessary, surgical, radioactive or chemical treatment of the tumour(s) does not necessarily address the cause of the problem, which is why so many of this type of problem recur.


“Correct nutrition supports the body, and the body takes care of its own health problems.” Symptoms are warnings. When you manifest a symptom of a health problem, your body is trying to tell you something is wrong.
We call this the “blinking light” concept. Just as in your car, a blinking light on the dashboard indicates a deeper
problem elsewhere in the car, and you would not just change the light globe and ignore the problem, so too in your
body when you have a symptom, it is a warning that you need to correct a deeper problem.

For instance, let us look at high blood/sugar levels. Why is there excess sugar in your blood? Possibly because you
took so much sugar food that your cells, which need only a small amount of sugar to produce energy, have become
clogged with it and no longer function properly. Your pancreas, which makes Insulin to help sugar (glucose) into
your cells, no longer makes the Insulin because the cells cannot absorb any more glucose (so-called “insulin
resistance”), so the excess sugar stays in your blood. It is so excessive your body cannot discharge it as fast as
you are putting it in; and your ability to discharge toxins becomes compromised as well.

Or you have been eating too much unnatural food, lacking enzymes, and insufficient raw natural foods. Your
pancreas also helps to digest your food. Cooked food (enzymes die at 60 degrees) is slow to break down in your
digestive tract. If you eat too much cooked food, unnatural food, or eat too fast, you overwork the pancreas, and it
no longer produces digestive enzymes or insulin. Caused by sugar-saturated cells, and undigested toxic waste,
you may begin to show symptoms of imbalance all over the body, which may cease to function properly.

Diet choices, polluted or stressful environments, or emotional stress can make the body over-acidic, which results
in cell malfunction. A desirable pH balance throughout the body generally is 80% alkaline and 20% acid. Once
again, imbalance leads to health problems. This imbalance can be corrected; by supplying appropriate nutrients,
helping the cells in your body to expel the toxins they contain, and then correcting your diet to one which contains
80% alkaline-forming food.

The body is programmed to maintain good health and so is always in a state of correction. As you live through the
events of each day and night, your body is constantly trying to stay in balance, by killing germs or repelling toxins;
but it is not always able to do this job without help.

Essential help may be provided to the body through nutrients, many of which can be found in plants that have therapeutic properties. Such nutrients are called “nutraceuticals.”
Here are some of the more prominent plant-based nutraceuticals:
  • Polysaccharides
  • Organic Germanium
  • Adenosine
  • Triterpenes
  • Alkaloids
  • Anti-Oxidants
  • Protein
  • Plant Sterols


Your body is always trying to rid you of toxic substances, and balance itself. (Nutraceuticals do not cause this to happen – they simply help the body to do what it is always trying to do anyway.)

Three Stages of Becoming Toxic.

  1. As toxins enter the body, they use various pathways – the digestive tract (eating, drinking) the respiratory tract, (breathing) or the skin (absorption). This may be accompanied by symptoms of pain, irritation, or discoloration – depending on the type of toxin.
  2. 2. If not discharged, they pass into the Matrix, the fluid-gel network of nerves, fibres and tissues in which the cells of the body reside. The presence of toxins in the Matrix can result in symptoms of tiredness, irritability, mood, headache, insomnia, nausea and many other symptoms. These symptoms may also be deceptively mild.
  3. Again if not discharged, the toxins will then pass into the cells, building up until the cells can no longer function properly. The process of cell occupation will often cause pain from the surrounding nerves. Your body is trying to warn you of the danger. Don’t just dull the pain with medication – find the reason for it!
Disease is the next step.
Cells make up the organs in your body; they form the blood, bone, marrow, and any other body part. When these
cells are so toxic they cannot function as they are supposed to, then symptoms of that malfunction will become
evident. The heart may malfunction, or the blood cells may form a clot, or the liver may fail, or the kidney, or the
pancreas, and so on. These symptoms of cell malfunction are what Western medicine calls “Disease.” Depending
on the affected organ or part, and the type of malfunction, the symptoms are put into categories and given names.

But they are all symptoms of cellular malfunction,
As long as your cells contain toxins they must malfunction to some degree. Only clean cells can function as designed, for optimal health and long life.
Three stages of De-Toxification.
  1. As toxins exit the cells, the surrounding nerves in the Matrix will again cause the same symptoms as they did when the toxins entered. The entry of toxins may have been gradual, without much pain. The exit however, may be more concentrated so the pain may be more noticeable. Symptoms of your prevailing problem may appear – even if it is a problem which up until now has not been apparent to you. *** If this happens to you, you will know that you are in the first stage of detoxifying.
  2. Once the toxins are back in the Matrix, the same symptoms as before may occur – tiredness, joint and back pain, irritability etc.
  3. Finally, the toxins exit the body via the same pathways available to them when they entered. They may take the digestive tract (vomiting, loose motions, urine, constipation), the respiratory tract (coughing, cold symptoms), or the skin (pimples, rashes, sweating).
*** It is important that if you are concerned about any of these symptoms, you should seek advice from a competent and qualified health professional. Establish that your health professional understands what the symptoms of detoxification really mean. Surprisingly, many do not, and may mistakenly diagnose the onset of a disease.
“The amount of nutrients consumed is not related to the actual ‘disease’. ”
We do not need to relate the amount of nutrients consumed to the specific symptoms of the “disease”. Rather the
body can take care of its problem, with the assistance of the nutrients. Consuming more simply provides more
assistance. You are able to manage this by observing your own body, and its symptoms. Only you know just how
you feel.

Once you have found the level of nutrients that helps your body to improve its health, then you can reduce to the
level that helps your body maintain its health.


We all have health problems, even if it is just staying healthy. Consuming helpful supplements offers a solution.
Nutritional Theories.
Enzyme Theory. Why is it that snakes can swallow and digest animals whole? How can a killer whale swallow and digest a whole seal? Why do humans have so much trouble with digestion, when the human digestive juices are stronger than the snake or the whale?
The answer is that we humans are eating far too much cooked and processed foods. The animals eat raw food, which has enzymes, which help the digestive process. Cooking at 60 degrees or more kills the enzymes.
Naturally, we do not eat raw meat. For safety we cook it; but we do not have to cook our fruit and most vegetables, and we should try as often as possible to eat these raw, and in sufficient quantity. Failing this we need to supplement with enzymes. Raw honey (6 months in the hive), or organic, naturally fermented vinegar, are good sources of enzymes but are not always easy to find.
Look for rich sources of enzymes in your supplements!
Picture, left – an example of enzymes at work. The natural action of enzymes is to break down food, fast. This means less work for your organs, faster metabolism, better health.

Green Theory.
Once our cells detoxify, in order to remain healthy, they need daily doses of nutrients from our supplements, our food, our drink and our air supply. These nutrients are delivered to all the cells by red blood cells. Normally, red blood cells die off in 90 – 120 days and are expelled via the spleen, kidney and stools.
Fresh cells should be made in your bone marrow– 200 billion of them – every day!
To do this, you need sufficient amounts of Chlorophyll, which you get from a sufficient daily diet of greens. If you don’t eat the greens, you don’t get the Chlorophyll, and you don’t get the new red cells. When this happens, your body has to use old cells, which must be re-cycled through  the body systems, so are less effective in delivering nutrients, and eventually you may have health problems as a result.
How do you know the greens you buy are full of the right nutrients?
Read up on this – these days, with nutrient-deficient soils, GM foods and poisonous sprays or fertilisers, many of them are not. Even if you can find good quality, can you eat enough? Are they too expensive?
Once again, there are problems. The solution is to supplement, especially with chlorophyll and iron.

There are many products in your home that may actually be adversely affecting your health, due to the addition of
colourings, flavourings, preservatives, chemicals or the sprays and fertilisers used in their production.

You are responsible for what you eat, and for your own health.

Choose Wisely.

Disclaimer: The information in this material can not and is not 
intended to replace the skills of a professional. Individual Seeking 
relief from health condition should seek the advice of a qualified health

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Friday, August 10, 2018

10 Amazing Benefits of Sugarcane Juice

Drinking a glass of raw sugarcane juice has a surprising number of health benefits and is loaded with critical nutrients that our body needs. Raw sugarcane juice can lower blood pressure, strengthen the bones, reduce cholesterol, aid in weight loss, fight fevers and infections, and soothe stress. It can help you sleep better, boost energy levels, support kidney health, strengthen the immune system, protect the skin, optimize digestion and manage diabetes, among others.

What is Sugarcane Juice?

Sugarcane juice is derived from the sugarcane plant, which is also the source of the majority of white table sugar and processed sugar. The botanical name of sugarcane is Saccharum officinarum, where Saccharum denotes its sweet taste due to its high sucrose content.
Sugarcane juice is particularly popular in countries with a large production of sugarcane, such as Brazil, India, and Thailand, where street vendors and juice carts are a common sight. Usually, the juice is freshly pressed from the cane using iron rollers. It may be served as a cooling drink with ice, flavored with a squeeze of lemon, or topped with mint, ginger, and rock salt.
Sugarcane juice is also the base ingredient for dozens of other products, like jaggery, molasses, rum, biofuel, and ethanol.

Sugarcane Juice Nutrition Facts

The nutritional density of sugarcane juice is impressive and includes significant levels of potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese, various amino acids, zinc, thiamin, and riboflavin. There are approximately 180 calories in an 8-ounce glass of sugarcane juice, as well as 30 grams of sugar. Furthermore, this juice is high in dietary fiber. It provides antioxidants like flavonoids and polyphenolic compounds, which can further aid your overall health and reduce oxidative stress.

Benefits of Sugarcane Juice

The top benefits of sugarcane juice include the following.

Boosts Energy

Unlike drinks and foods that are packed with processed sugar and high-fructose corn syrup, the natural supply of sugars in sugarcane juice can provide a solid stock of energy that can start your day off strong and regulate the release of glucose in your body for a healthy “sugar high.” Sugarcane juice is an excellent natural choice to rehydrate the body and stave off fatigue. [1] [2]

Skin Care

One of the components of sugarcane juice is alpha hydroxy acids, specifically glycolic acid, which has been linked to antioxidant effects on the skin. This juice, when regularly consumed, can clear up skin inflammation and infections, while also reducing signs of aging, such as wrinkles, blemishes, discoloration, and scars. [3] [4]

Support during Pregnancy

Sugarcane juice taken during pregnancy can help to boost metabolism, improve digestion, reduce symptoms of morning sickness, and provide energy throughout the day, thanks to its low glycemic index. It can boost the immune system naturally, rather than having to rely on pharmaceuticals or antibiotics. [5] This juice also helps eliminate symptoms of constipation, another frequent complaint by pregnant women. That being said, as with any addition to a pregnancy diet, run the idea past your doctor first.

Freshen Breath & Fight Cavities

Sugarcane juice is often consumed as a home remedy for tooth decay, and resulting bad breath. Sugarcane has minerals such as calcium and phosphorus that protect the enamel of your teeth, protect against decay, and strengthen your teeth. The high doses of nutrients in this juice help counter bad breath due to nutrient deficiency.

Bone Mineral Density

Intake of this juice boosts calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium and manganese levels in the body, making it a critical part of strengthening your bones. This, in turn, helps to prevent the development of osteoporosis. A single glass of this juice every day can keep your bones strong as you age.

Improved Digestion

There are certain laxative qualities of sugarcane juice, thanks to its supply of dietary fiber. The fiber helps stimulate peristaltic motion, heal inflammation in the gut, and relieve symptoms of constipation, bloating and cramping. [6]

Lower Cholesterol Levels

Studies have found that drinking raw sugarcane juice can help to lower overall cholesterol levels, both LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, which can further protect your heart and prevent cardiovascular disease as you age. [7]

Stress Management

Some of the amino acids found in sugarcane juice, in addition to tryptophan and magnesium, can help to balance your stress hormone levels and even help to induce sleep. [8] If you regularly suffer from insomnia or interrupted sleep and give relief from insomnia or interrupted sleep.

Normal Blood Pressure

With its supply of potassium, sugarcane juice is able to reduce the strain and tension in blood vessels and arteries, effectively lowering blood pressure, and reducing your risk of atherosclerosis, heart attacks, and strokes. [9]

Strengthened Immune System

With a rich supply of vitamin C and antioxidants, this juice is known to stimulate and boost the immune system, and reduce infections in the stomach, liver and respiratory tracts. [10] It can also help prevent the onset of chronic disease including cancer or the prostate, colon, and breast.

Prevention of Kidney Stones

Numerous studies have linked the consumption of sugarcane juice with a lower occurrence of urinary tract infections and a lower risk of developing kidney stones. [11] Essentially, this juice detoxifies the body and protects the function of the body’s detoxing centers.

Sugarcane Juice for Weight Loss

Sugarcane juice is rich in dietary fiber that helps to bind with fat and prevent it from being stored in the body, while also making you feel full, thus preventing snacking and overeating. Your digestive health will also be boosted by fiber, helping to relieve constipation and improving your gut’s ability to absorb critical nutrients. The alkaline nature of this juice helps to create the ideal environment for fat-burning, rather than an overly acidic system, while the high natural sugar content provides a huge source of energy, which increases activity and stimulates more calorie-burning.

Sugarcane Juice for Diabetes

This juice has a surprisingly low glycemic index, based on the types of sugars that are found in the juice, so it is actually more beneficial than your average fizzy drink or soda, as the sugars are more slowly absorbed and processed by the body, preventing the sugar rush that many people associate with high glycemic beverages. For people not suffering from Type 2 diabetes, this drink can actually help to regulate your blood sugar levels, when consumed in moderation.
However, for patients with Type 2 diabetes, it is important to speak with a doctor before consuming this juice.

Side Effects of Sugarcane Juice

The side effects of this juice include:

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Monday, August 6, 2018

7 Healthy Reasons to Drink Calamansi Juice

Calamansi juice is derived from the calamansi fruit, which is an extremely sour variety of citrus fruit commonly called golden limes. Calamansi fruit is a tropical that is native to Southeast Asia and which belongs to the citrofortunella species.
It is cultivated for its edible but sour fruit. The fruit contains similar properties to lime and lemon. In the Philippines, Singapore and other Asian countries, calamansi is most often used as ingredient in dipping sauces.
Drinking calamansi juice is a very common practice in certain parts of Asia, because of its detoxifying ability on the body and its numerous health benefits. This sour fruit is loaded with vitamin C and certain antioxidants, such as limonene, vitamin A, potassium and calcium. Although the juice from calamansi fruit is incredibly sour, many people still consume it on a regular basis because of its many impressive health benefits.
health benefits of calamansi juice
health benefits of calamansi juice / pixabay

Health Benefits of Calamansi Juice:

1. Bleaching Properties

In Asia, people use calamansi juice on their skin, as this functions like a natural bleaching agent. It can help clear your skin of discoloration and blemishes. Also, it can deliver antioxidants to your skin which will prevent wrinkles and other signs of aging.

2. Boost Your Immune Health

Calamansi juice is loaded with vitamin C and other beneficial nutrients, and has been used as an immune booster. It can counter the negative effects of free radicals and stimulate the production of white blood cells, due to its anti-bacterial and antioxidant properties.

3. Helps in Weight Loss

Are you struggling to lose weight? You can take calamansi juice every day. It’s a healthy, low-calorie and refreshing drink. Regular drinking of calamansi juice can help purifies the organs and detoxes your colon.
Also, it improves bowel movement, prevents constipation and eliminate stored fat. It is also a filling drink. It is recommend that you drink calamansi juice before a meal, so you can avoid overeating.

4. Increases Collagen Production

Calamansi is a common and popular skin care ingredient to its many beauty benefits. It is rich in vitamin C and ascorbic acid. This nutrient helps in strengthening your immune system and increases collagen production in your body.
This is the reason why calamansi juice is taken as a beauty tonic. When applied topically, calamansi extract can help even out your skin tone and refines your skin.

5. Prevents Body Odor

One of the many beauty benefits of calamansi is that it works as an all-natural body odor eliminator. These can benefit individuals suffering from excessive perspiration. It contains antibacterial properties and kills odor-causing bacteria.
You can soak in your bathtub after squeezing a couple of calamansi fruits in it or you can also apply it directly on the affected area.

6. Prevents Diabetes

A significant number of research has been done on the blood sugar-moderating properties of calamansi juice. It can help in regulating the release of insulin and glucose into the bloodstream. This is beneficial for those individuals suffering from diabetes or those who are at risk of developing the disease.

7. Protects from Flu and Common Colds

Calamansi juice is filled with essential minerals and vitamins. This is the reason why it’s commonly used to prevent flu and common colds. The vitamin C present in calamansi helps to ensure a speedy recovery from bacterial and viral infections.

Calamansi Juice Recipe:

5 pieces big green calamansi fruit
1 glass of warm or cold or warm water

1. Wash the calamansi with water and cut into two.
2. Squeeze the calamansi to get the juice.
3. Pour into the glass of water.
4. Using a fork, separate the seed upon squeezing.
5. Add honey.
6. Stir and drink.

Calamansi juice is derived from the calamansi fruit, which is an extremely sour variety of citrus fruit commonly called golden limes. Calamansi fruit is a tropical that is native to Southeast Asia and which belongs to the citrofortunella species.
It is cultivated for its edible but sour fruit. The fruit contains similar properties to lime and lemon. In the Philippines, Singapore and other Asian countries, calamansi is most often used as ingredient in dipping sauces.
Drinking calamansi juice is a very common practice in certain parts of Asia, because of its detoxifying ability on the body and its numerous health benefits. This sour fruit is loaded with vitamin C and certain antioxidants, such as limonene, vitamin A, potassium and calcium. Although the juice from calamansi fruit is incredibly sour, many people still consume it on a regular basis because of its many impressive health benefits.
health benefits of calamansi juice
health benefits of calamansi juice / pixabay

Health Benefits of Calamansi Juice:

1. Bleaching Properties

In Asia, people use calamansi juice on their skin, as this functions like a natural bleaching agent. It can help clear your skin of discoloration and blemishes. Also, it can deliver antioxidants to your skin which will prevent wrinkles and other signs of aging.

2. Boost Your Immune Health

Calamansi juice is loaded with vitamin C and other beneficial nutrients, and has been used as an immune booster. It can counter the negative effects of free radicals and stimulate the production of white blood cells, due to its anti-bacterial and antioxidant properties.

3. Helps in Weight Loss

Are you struggling to lose weight? You can take calamansi juice every day. It’s a healthy, low-calorie and refreshing drink. Regular drinking of calamansi juice can help purifies the organs and detoxes your colon.
Also, it improves bowel movement, prevents constipation and eliminate stored fat. It is also a filling drink. It is recommend that you drink calamansi juice before a meal, so you can avoid overeating.

4. Increases Collagen Production

Calamansi is a common and popular skin care ingredient to its many beauty benefits. It is rich in vitamin C and ascorbic acid. This nutrient helps in strengthening your immune system and increases collagen production in your body.
This is the reason why calamansi juice is taken as a beauty tonic. When applied topically, calamansi extract can help even out your skin tone and refines your skin.

5. Prevents Body Odor

One of the many beauty benefits of calamansi is that it works as an all-natural body odor eliminator. These can benefit individuals suffering from excessive perspiration. It contains antibacterial properties and kills odor-causing bacteria.
You can soak in your bathtub after squeezing a couple of calamansi fruits in it or you can also apply it directly on the affected area.

6. Prevents Diabetes

A significant number of research has been done on the blood sugar-moderating properties of calamansi juice. It can help in regulating the release of insulin and glucose into the bloodstream. This is beneficial for those individuals suffering from diabetes or those who are at risk of developing the disease.

7. Protects from Flu and Common Colds

Calamansi juice is filled with essential minerals and vitamins. This is the reason why it’s commonly used to prevent flu and common colds. The vitamin C present in calamansi helps to ensure a speedy recovery from bacterial and viral infections.

Calamansi Juice Recipe:

5 pieces big green calamansi fruit
1 glass of warm or cold or warm water

1. Wash the calamansi with water and cut into two.
2. Squeeze the calamansi to get the juice.
3. Pour into the glass of water.
4. Using a fork, separate the seed upon squeezing.
5. Add honey.
6. Stir and drink.

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