Friday, July 20, 2018

5 Simple Deep Breathing Exercises To Reduce Stress Levels

Deep breathing exercises for stress relief
Stress is detrimental to our health, and the cause of innumerous health problems. Worryingly, 47% of Americans report feeling stressed. Whether it’s work, family issues or simply having too much on our plates, stress is something we need to combat if we are to lead healthy, happy lives.

What Are the Signs of Stress?

Short-term stress and anxiety are part of being human, but when we remain on ‘high alert’ in the long-term, can manifest in physical and psychological ways like increased heartbeat, headaches, muscle aches and shortness of breath.
Poor handling of anxiety and stress can lead to adrenal fatigue, whose symptoms may include morning lethargy, memory loss, lowered immune system function and an inability to focus on daily tasks. Many adults and teenagers exhibit impulsive behavior while some people partake in addictive practices like smoking, excessive drinking and overeating (especially salty foods).

How Do Deep Breathing Exercises Combat Adrenal Fatigue?

By learning how to deep breathe properly, you will help to lower stress levels and ward off adrenal fatigue. All of these breathing methods can be practiced at home or in the office, and take only a few minutes each day. They’re also excellent techniques to incorporate into meditation.

Belly Breathing

The first technique you need to learn to do is what’s called “belly breathing”. This is the most basic of the breathing methods we have at our disposal, and therefore is the one you should master before trying out the others. It’s very simple, and requires just a few steps:
  1. Sit down comfortably, or lay down on a yoga mat, depending on personal preference.
  2. Place one hand on your stomach, just below your ribcage. Place the second hand on the center of your chest.
  3. Breathe in deeply through your nostrils and let your first hand be pushed out by your stomach. Your chest should remain stationary.
  4. Breathe out through your lips, pursing them as if you were about to whistle. Gently guide the hand on your stomach inwards, helping to press out the breath.
  5. Slowly repeat between 3 and 10 times.
Continue for as long as you feel necessary. After you have mastered this breathing exercise, there are four additional methods for you to try, ranging in difficulty.

The “4-7-8” Breathing Technique

The method which we call “4-7-8 breathing” also requires you to be sitting or lying down comfortably. Here are the steps you need to follow:
  1. Get into the belly breathing exercise position, with one hand on your stomach and one on your chest.
  2. Breathe in slowly but deeply. Take 4 seconds to breathe in, feeling your stomach move in the process.
  3. Hold your breath for 7 seconds.
  4. Breathe out for 8 seconds, as silently as you can manage. Once you reach a count of 8, you should have completely emptied your lungs of air.
  5. Repeat as many times as you need, making sure to stick to the 4-7-8 pattern.

Roll Breathing

This method is great for those looking for a relaxation breathing exercise that can be done comfortably while sitting. Its aim is not just to relax, but also to encourage the full use of your lung capacity.
Beginners are advised to lie down, but after your first time, you should find these steps just as easy to complete this exercise while sitting:
  1. Get into the belly breathing position, with your left hand on your stomach, and right hand over your chest.
  2. Take a deep, slow breath from your lower lungs, ensuring that the hand over your chest doesn’t move as you take the breath. Use your nose to breathe in, and exhale using your mouth.
  3. Repeat this diaphragmatic breathing up to 8 times. On the ninth repetition – once you have filled your lower lungs – take a breath that will move your chest up, as you would normally breathe. This will fill your entire lung capacity.
  4. Gently exhale through your mouth, being sure to completely empty your lungs. While you exhale, make a small “whooshing” noise. You should notice that both of your hands move back towards your body as both your stomach and chest fall.
  5. Practice this method for between 4 and 5 minutes. With each exhalation, you should be able to feel a marked difference in your stress levels.

Morning Breathing

While the above three exercises can be completed whenever necessary, the next method is called ‘Morning Breathing’ and, as the name suggests, should be practiced once you have woken up.
This breathing exercise aims to stretch relax your muscles after a good night’s sleep. The following steps will help to minimize tension for the remainder of the day:
  1. Stand up straight and, with your knees slightly bent, bend your torso forward from the waist. Your arms should be limply hanging next to you, toward the floor.
  2. Take a breath in slowly and return to your original standing position. To do so, pretend that you are ‘zipping’ yourself up from the waist to the top of your neck. Your head should be the last thing to straighten.
  3. Slowly exhale, and return to the bent position forward by the end of your breath. When you have finished, stand up straight and stretch your muscles as required.

Deep Muscle Relaxation with Belly Breathing

This progressive muscle relaxation technique is more involved than the others in this list, but is one of the best breathing exercises for anxiety and extreme fatigue.
This exercise requires tensing specific muscle groups for 5-10 seconds, though never to the point of pain or cramping. Release the tension and observe the feelings of relaxation that radiate. Be sure to pay the most attention to muscles causing discomfort or ache.
Be sure to conduct this stretch with belly breathing, which will help you attain the relaxation response.
To start, sit down in a comfortable position and focus on your belly breathing, closing your eyes if need be. When you have found a rhythm:
  1. Starting with your face, knit your eyebrows together and purse your lips. Try to pull your facial muscles toward your nose for 15-20 seconds and release.
  2. Your jaw holds a great deal of pressure. To relieve some of it, clench your jaw for five seconds and release, letting the stress dissipate.
  3. For your neck and shoulders, shrug your shoulders in the direction of your ears and hold, concentrating on the tension. Let it dissolve. Spend 15 seconds recovering before tilting your chin to your chest for another 5-10 seconds.
  4. Pull your forearms towards your shoulders while flexing your upper arm muscles. Hold for five seconds and release, while imagining the stress melting away.
  5. Move your focus to your abdomen by squeezing your stomach muscles. Hold for five seconds and relax. Repeat while paying special attention to your chest.
  6. To destress your legs, first tense the muscles in your thighs and buttocks. Relax and recover. Next, your lower legs can be stretched, point your toes downward and holding for five seconds.
Combined with the correct breathing technique, progressive muscle relaxation is a wonderful exercise to fully relax the body, and is fantastic  to conduct before bedtime.

Restore Your Vitality

Whichever stretch you choose, be sure to be patient. Listen to your body and, when you feel anxious or stressed, practice your breathing exercise to combat adrenal fatigue. Best of all: there is no limit to how often you can practice them!

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Sipping at the well of success. You really ought to try it, either full-time or over weekends. We have a great business opportunity. You can run it from home full time or part time,  or  any  combination.                                                     

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

One More Reason to Drink Coffee

One More Reason to Drink Coffee
Many of us have a difficult time fathoming getting through the day without our morning coffee fix, but now we have one more reason among a long list of others to celebrate our love for java.
A recent study published in the American Journal of Medicine revealed that women who consumed higher amounts of caffeine were less likely to have tinnitus, which is a steady ringing or buzzing in the ear that can affect hearing.
The study involved 65,085 women ages 30 through 44, who did not have tinnitus at the study’s start back in 1991. They were followed for 18 years, with 5,289 cases of tinnitus reported during that time.

Women who consumed less than 150 milligrams of caffeine, or the amount found in about 1 ½ cups of coffee, were 15 percent more likely to develop the condition than those who consumed 450 to 599 milligrams of caffeine per day. Most of the caffeine consumed was reported to have come from coffee.
Senior author of the study, Dr. Gary Curhan, a physician-researcher at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and a professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School in Boston, noted in a hospital news release that it’s not clear as to why a higher caffeine intake would reduce the risk of tinnitus, but that they know the substance stimulates the central nervous system, with previous research demonstrating caffeine’s direct effect on the inner ear.
He also stated that more research would be needed to make any conclusions as to whether increasing caffeine consumption could improve symptoms in those who suffer from tinnitus.
Lessening the risk of developing tinnitus is, of course, not the only reason to drink coffee. There’s a reason people sometimes say they need to wait until the caffeine kicks in before getting involved in a challenging mental task. Caffeine is known to increase brain activity and the release of neurotransmitters like dopamine and norepinephrine. It’s also been found to improve memory, mood and cognitive function.
Coffee consumption is even linked to a 23 to 67% lower risk of developing diabetes. Researchers claim that those who drink a few cups of coffee each day are less likely to develop the condition. Of course, if you’re eating donuts with that coffee, unfortunately caffeine’s powerful benefits aren’t so potent that they can negate the ill effects of unhealthy treats.
As caffeine provides a stimulant effect on the central nervous system, drinking coffee is also known to raise metabolism and increase the oxidation of fatty acids, aiding one’s ability to lose weight or maintain an already ideal weight. In fact, caffeine is actually one of only a very few natural compounds that have been scientifically proven to aid fat burning, with a number of studies revealing that it can boost the metabolic rate by 3 to 11%.
Just a few of the other benefits coffee drinkers can enjoy include:
  • A lower risk of developing Alzheimer’s and other brain aging diseases
  • Reduced risk of developing Parkinson’s disease
  • Liver protection
  • Lower risk of colorectal and liver cancer
  • Reduced stroke risk
  • Increased longevity
  • Improved athletic performance
Tomorrow morning as you smell the wonderful aroma of coffee brewing and take your first sip, you can smile knowing you’re not only enjoying one of life’s many pleasures, you’re enjoying something that’s good for your health, too.
Choose Healthy and Organic Lingzhi Coffee.


  • Pantulong para ibalanse ang daloy Ng dugo
  • Tumutulong sa pagpapalabas ng mga toxins sa ating katawan.
  • Lunas sa nerbiyos at nakakatulong pang-alis ng pagod.
  • May halong “GANODERMA” red mushroom na siyang pampalakas ng resistensya.
  • Pampalakas Ng “immune system”.
  • Pinalalakas ang natural healing ability ng ating katawan.
  • Nakakatulong ilabas ang mga toxins sa loob ng katawan na galing sa pagkain.
  • Mainam at mabisa din sa may problema sa dugo, puso, varicose vein at kidney (UTI) at mainam Sa mga hirap dumumi w/ Organic Vitamins:
    • calories
    • Herbs Fats
    • Potassium
    • Vitamin B3
    • Phosphorus
    • Sodium
    • Vitamin C
    • Calcium
    • IRON
  • Anti-Stress
  • Anti-Depressant
  • Anti-Caner.



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Sipping at the well of success. You really ought to try it, either full-time or over weekends. We have a great business opportunity. You can run it from home full time or part time,  or  any  combination.                                                     

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Noni Juice and Diabetes Type 2

Noni Juice and Diabetes Type 2

What is Diabetes?
Diabetes is having too much glucose (sugar) in the blood. This happens because the pancreas cannot make enough insulin. Glucose is an essential source of energy for the brain and is one of the sources of energy for the body. Glucose in the bloodstream comes from carbohydrate foods, which are changed into glucose after we have eaten them.
Glucose also comes from the liver, which converts fat and protein into glucose to make sure there is a constant glucose supply even when we are not eating. For people without diabetes the level of glucose in the body is between 4 and 8 mmol/L.
Insulin is produced in the pancreas and has two jobs in the body – the first is to transport glucose from the blood supply into fat and muscle cells, where it can be used for energy. The second is to switch off the liver once the level of glucose in the blood is high enough.
Diabetes is the result of the body not creating enough insulin to keep blood glucose levels in the normal range. It cannot presently be cured but it can be controlled and you can lead a full and active life.
Type 1
People who do not make any insulin (or very little) have Type 1 diabetes. Because the immune system destroys the pancreas they have stopped making insulin, and their body is unable to use glucose for energy. They tend to lose weight very quickly because their body is actually being starved. Their health rapidly deteriorates and they would die if insulin were not given. They therefore require insulin by injection plus healthy eating to stay alive and maintain good health.
Type 2
People with Type 2 diabetes are still making insulin but the production is sluggish or their body is resistant to insulin. Becoming overweight is almost always the cause of the body becoming resistant to insulin and can trigger Type 2 diabetes, even in young people. Type 2 diabetes can be treated with weight loss and regular physical activity. Medication in the form of tablets is often required to reduce the resistance to insulin or to stimulate the pancreas to make more insulin. Type 2 diabetes is a progressive condition in that the pancreas continues to get more sluggish over time. People with Type 2 diabetes may eventually require insulin.
Causes of Diabetes Type 2:
In Type 2 diabetes, either the body doesn’t produce enough insulin, or the cells in the body don’t recognise the insulin that is present. The end result is the same: high levels of glucose in your blood.
About a third of people with Type 2 diabetes also have high blood pressure (hypertension) and / or disordered levels of fats (cholesterol) in their blood (the medical name for this is dyslipidaemia). This combination of diabetes with hypertension and dyslipidaemia is sometimes called ‘the metabolic syndrome’ or syndrome X. Type 2 diabetes most often occurs in adulthood usually after the ages of 30 – 40 years.
However, increasing numbers of teenagers and children are developing Type 2 diabetes.
Some groups of people are more likely to develop Type 2 diabetes. These are Maori, Polynesians or Asians, people who are overweight, people who have a blood relative with Type 2 diabetes, women who have had a baby weighing more than 4 kg (9 pounds) or people who don’t exercise enough. If you have a blood relative with Type 2 diabetes you are more likely to develop Type 2 diabetes yourself. However Type 2 diabetes sometimes occurs in people who have no one in their family with the condition.

The Effects of Diet & Physical Activity on Diabetes:
Making changes to your lifestyle is a very important first step, and one that you have a great deal of control over. The goal of managing your daily life is to lower your blood glucose and improve your body’s use of insulin. This is achieved through a healthy diet, exercise and weight loss. The focus of your nutrition choices and regular exercise is to achieve and maintain healthy blood glucose levels. Losing weight helps your body use insulin better.
The Benefits of Noni:
The guidelines for reducing diabetes risk are consistent with the guidelines for coronary heart disease prevention, cancer prevention as well as general health promotion. The basis for good health is good nutrition, regular exercise, maintaining an ideal body weight and, most importantly, a first-rate immune system. Our health is directly influenced by our immune system. The onset of almost all infectious and degenerative disease is preceded or accompanied by inadequate immune response.
The immune system is not responsive to drugs for healing. Antibiotics and treatments used to fight infections and illnesses actually depress the immune system when used long-term. But the natural nutritive forces of Noni can and do support the immune system. By rebuilding immunity, health is naturally restored and disease disappears. If health and immunity are thereafter conscientiously maintained, the individual is no longer vulnerable to disease.
It is never too late to enjoy the health benefit that taking a daily dose of Noni Juice gives you. With the correct diet, exercise and by drinking Noni Juice daily, the immune system can be restored and maintained at a level that provides good health well into the Golden Years.

Morinzhi Juice: Its Benefits !

If you would be interested in a healthy, all natural drink that is packed with all sorts of nutrients and phytochemicals, you should check out Morinzhi Juice!
Morinzhi juice, also called Noni juice, is chock full of nutritional elements with great health benefits. In fact, it has more than 150 active nutritional elements that may help you to achieve and maintain radiant good health and vitality!
What is Morinzhi Juice? Morinzhi juice is derived from the Noni fruits of the Morinda Citrifolia tree that grows in Southeast Asia and Australasia. It is commercially cultivated and has also naturalized over widespread areas. Uncommonly rugged, it can flourish under almost any conditions and may be found growing on rocky shores or deep in the shade of forests. The Morinda Citrifolia trees reach an average of 30 feet in height at maturity and begin bearing fruit when only about 1-1/2 years old. Once they begin bearing Noni fruit, they produce fruit every month of the year.
What are the Nutritional Elements of Morinzhi Juice?
  • Phytonutrients: These are natural chemicals that provide nourishment to the cells, tissues, andorgans. They also fight free radicals, help ward off disease, and may even help to reverse effects of aging and pollution. Also believed to block processes that cause cancer.
  • Selenium: This is an important anti-oxidant and trace element that may help to preserve the elasticity of your skin, thus effectively slowing the aging process. Selenium also increases oxygen flow to the heart and may assist in preventing blood clots and high blood pressure.
  • Xeronine: An alkaloid that scientists believe works way down on the molecular level to help stimulate cell function and also to regenerate damaged cells. Xeronine is believed to increase levels of endorphins and serotonin, the brain chemicals that create a feeling of well being.
  • Polysaccharides: These compounds stimulate the immune system and its response to cancer. Shows a profound influence on anti-cancer activity on the molecular level.
  • Anthraquinones (Damnacanthol): Antiseptic and anti-bacterial plant chemicals that are present inMorinzhi Juice. Shown in laboratory tests to kill pre-cancer cells, Lewis Lung carcinoma, and prevent damage to DNA. Stimulates immune response to cancer by activating T-cells, which are the body’s Cancer Killers. T-cells are critically important to people who suffer from cancer, AIDS, or other diseases which compromise the immune systems.
  • Glycosides: Compounds that are believed to help prevent cancer and scavenge free radicals.
  • Scopoletin: Chemical component of Morinzhi Juice with a lot of health benefits. It is anti-inflammatory, anti-histamine, anti-fungal, and anti-bacterial. It regulates serotonin, the body’s “feel-good” hormone, and helps to fight feelings of anxiety and depression. This probably accounts for why many people who drink Noni Juice report experiencing a sense of well-being. It is also a vasodilator and lowers blood pressure. It binds to melatonin and helps to regulate sleep, hunger, and body temperature. Last but certainly not least, it is an analgesic that relieves pain.
  • Terpene: Rejuvenates cells and rids the body of toxins.
  • Limonene: A bitter cancer fighting compound found in Morinzhi Juice and citrus fruits.
In addition, there are many other healthy nutritional elements present in Morinzhi Juice.
Health Benefits of Morinzhi Juice
There are a wealth of health benefits that may be associated with Morinzhi Juice, including:NONI
  • Anti-Aging
  • Arthritis
  • Depression
  • Fatigue
  • Immune Deficiency
  • Post Surgery Healing
  • Sports Injuries
  • And More
Check out Morinzhi Juice and find out for yourself why so many people swear by its benefits! It may be just what you need to enjoy glorious good health and wellness!


  • Relieves from Body Pains , esp. Arthritis , Liver enlargement, Post-surgery patients.
  • Improves Digestive systems. No Digestive disorders.
  • Helps in abdominal tumours and cancer. Colon problems. Piles
  • Strengthens ‘Natural Immune system’. Prevents infections.
  • Effective ‘Anti- Oxidant’: Stress reliever. ‘Anti-ageing’ supporter.
  • Helps in ‘Obesity’ reduction; Burns-out the excess flab.

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Sipping at the well of success. You really ought to try it, either full-time or over weekends. We have a great business opportunity. You can run it from home full time or part time,  or  any  combination.                                                     

Friday, July 6, 2018

27 Best Network Marketing Tips and Tricks For Guaranteed Success

This list of the best network marketing tips & tricks in the industry will absolutely help you achieve success faster. Whether you’re just a beginner or have some experience, these reliable tips will make your business explode.
The key is proper implementation and taking consistent action.
If you do nothing, your results will be nothing.
If you do a little, your results will be a little.
If you take massive action, your results will be massive.
Follow these tips to build an empire.

Tip #1: Clarity is the Genesis of Fast Success

crystal ball of clarityIf you plan to build a network marketing business quickly (or even slowly), you must get crystal clear on what you want to achieve and what it will take to get there?
What rank do you want to reach and how fast? What are your financial goals? What income level do you want to be at and how fast do you want to get there?
In his book, High Performance Habits: How Extraordinary People Become that Way, Brendon Burchard lays out the 6 habits that propel high performers forward. One of those habits is clarity.
High performers constantly seek clarity. It’s not something they do once a month or once a year. You need to constantly clarify your vision.

Tip #2: Educate Yourself on the Network Marketing Industry

learn network marketingIf you want people to join you in building a network marketing dynasty, become an expert in everything network marketing. Reading this is a good first step, but all learning shouldn’t be about how to build.
Some of your learning should focus on just getting a better grasp of network marketing as an industry.
If you can have an authentic conversation with somebody about why network marketing is a better business model than the other options out there, you have a better chance of bringing them onto your team and retaining them once they enroll.
If your child’s teacher couldn’t explain to you how students learn, you wouldn’t have much faith in them as a teacher would you?
The same is true of those you recruit (or try to recruit) to your team. If you can’t talk intelligently about the industry, how serious do you think people will take you?… Not that serious.

Tip #3: Get on the Right Bus

get on the right busUnfortunately, most people join their first network marketing company by accident. Their friend says “hey, take a look at this” and the timing is right, and BOOM!, they’re now a network marketing professional.
Two weeks later, when their friend (brother, cousin, co-worker, etc.) gives up and quits, they’re now on their own. This happened to me in my first company. My best friend enrolled my brother. My brother enrolled me, and then they both quit.
But I could see it. I got it. I kept going. I was doing it all wrong, but I built it the best I could and eventually an upline leader reached out to me and offered his help.
My point here is that if you don’t have a team yet or you’re still thinking about joining a company, do some research and make sure you get on the right bus. Take some time to formulate a good plan.
Every company thinks they have the best products and best compensation plan. Make sure you pick the company and upline that’s the best for you.

Tip #4: Relinquish the Reigns to God

man reading bibleI don’t know what your background or beliefs are, you just landed on my site. But since you’re here, I get to say what I want and that includes concepts that fall in line with my beliefs.
Psalm 55:22 states “Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken.”
It’s quite easy to get “shaken” in this business by a bad home meeting, bad prospecting experience, or even because you’re not going as fast as you want.
The times I’ve had the most peace in my life have been those times when I’ve totally turned things over to God.
The times of the most turmoil have been when I’ve tried to do things in my own power.
Just sayin’… something to consider.

Tip #5: Have Fun – Stop Taking Yourself So Freakin’ Serious

If you’re not having fun, you’re doing it wrong. To be successful in anything that requires leadership, you’ve got to learn to have fun. Otherwise, people won’t want to be around you. Besides, if you’re successful and don’t enjoy what you’re doing, what’s the point?
If you stop taking everything so serious you’ll actually be a more effective network marketer and more effective recruiter. You’ll be less prone to be offended easily or get defensive.
Don’t get me wrong, be very serious about doing the work necessary to build your team. But have loads of fun while doing it.

Tip #6: Study Your Network Marketing Compensation Plan

This seems like it should be obvious but I’ve found many people don’t do it. It goes back to our tip about clarity. How can you be clear on what you want and what it will take to get there if you don’t understand how your company compensation plan works?
What type of compensation plan is it?… Yes my friend, there is more than one type of network marketing compensation plan.
Besides, if you don’t understand your compensation plan you won’t be able to explain it to others without confusing them. A great teacher takes a complex idea and helps simplify it for others.

Tip #7: Start Right: Commit ‘Til It Hurts

This tip has to do with making sure you start right. If you’re already in a company, this section is worth a read so you can explain to your new people how they should enter a company to have the right mindset.
If you haven’t joined a company yet, you need to order enough product when you get started to feel like things just got serious. It should hurt your wallet a little. It should feel like you’re making a very serious decision and serious commitment.
It shouldn’t feel the same as it does when you take your entire family to a nice restaurant. If you have a family like mine, you know what I’m talking about. I could start a business for less than the price of going out one night. How’s that for a remarkable industry?
total commitmentPart of the problem with network marketing though, IS that it’s so efficient and so inexpensive to get started.
Often times, new people don’t feel like they just started a life changing endeavor. They feel like they just bought a few supplies for a new hobby. Then they treat it like a hobby so it pays like a hobby.
When we joined our current company, we ordered the absolute largest product package available. We also immediately started planning to go to the company’s next big function.
These things were simply hacks to position our minds in the right mental and psychological states for success.
Think about this, the average cost to open a food truck is $50,000. If it was you, would you be taking that business more or less serious than you take your network marketing business? The reality is, if you build an empire in network marketing,  your gross profits will be a lot higher than one food truck could produce (with less risk).
So do yourself a favor, the next time you join a company, spend enough when you get started that you feel like you’re making a significant business decision.
Make sure you explain this to those you enroll as well. Once that initial order goes through, you can’t go back and order more and expect it to affect your subconscious the same way.

Tip #8: Stop Saying “It’s Easy”

it's easy spelled with scrabbleThis profession is plagued by people promoting an “easy” system. Just get 3 people and then they will all get three and so on and so forth. In six months we’ll all be rich.
The problem of course, is that it doesn’t work that way. It works on paper, but not with real people.
It could, but it won’t. People are complicated. They have their reasons for building a business and they also have their reasons for not taking the required actions to build their business.
You’ll never have 100% duplication. Probably won’t have even close to that. So stop promoting it to your prospects and acting like that is what’s going to happen.
When you enroll somebody with false expectations and convince them it’s going to be easy, it shouldn’t be any surprise when they quit. The reason they quit is because they didn’t sign up for what it really takes to build a successful network marketing business.
It’s hard work. It’s consistency. It’s personal development. It’s growth over time. If you want a team that’s flourishing, the best thing you can do is tell them the truth. It is hard, everything worth doing is hard. It’s better to have 3 driven people with a hardcore work ethic and no fear than it is to have 25 people looking for an easy buck.

Tip #9: Mentally Embrace the Rejection Marathon

Get ready for rejection. It can’t be avoided (if you want success). It’s nothing to be feared but you definitely want to prepare your mind for it. If you plan to build a significant network marketing business, rejection is a door you’ll need to boldly walk through multiple times.
Low risk, low reward. High risk, high reward. You can’t get a yes without asking a question that could be answered with a no. The good news is that it’s a marathon. As long as you don’t quit taking action, you’ll get to the finish line.
However, if you’re not mentally prepared for people to tell you no, the first few might scare you off for good. It comes with the package. Just like you can’t get the thrill of skydiving without actually jumping out of a perfectly good airplane.

Tip #10: You’re Not a Dancing Monkey

This is one of my favorite network marketing tips because it has a fun (tip #5) video to go with it. This is to remind you that you don’t need to do a dance and try to convince people to join you.
If people are being overly negative or trying to make you convince them, that’s them trying to get you to dance.
In fact, the harder you try to convince, the more unconvincing you become. You’re better off when somebody is trying to get you to dance to pull away. End the conversation. Say something like “I don’t think this is the right fit for you” and change the topic.
This is a power move. It positions you as confident (even if you’re not) instead of desperate.
There are two times you may be a little tempted to dance.
1) When you’re desperate to sponsor somebody
2) When you have put the person you’re talking to on a pedestal in your mind. You see them as successful and think if they get involved your business growth will be unstoppable.

Forget it. First, desperate actions just project your desperation. Secondly, just because somebody has the skills and contacts to build an organization quickly, doesn’t mean they will.

Tip #11: Don’t Cultivate Seeds of Doubt

doubt infographicWe all have doubt about various things in our life. There’s a difference between having doubt and entertaining doubt. If you’re constantly thinking (or saying) that you won’t be able to accomplish what you want inside of your network marketing organization, then you won’t.
When you catch yourself doubting, take immediate action. Use that doubt as a trigger for action.
You can’t think doubt away. Sure, you can read or watch something motivational hoping you feel inspired. But that could turn into a cycle of constantly battling doubt and never taking action.
The best tip for defeating doubt is to quickly take action toward building a massive organization.

Tip #12: Focus on Controlling Activity
(Not Results and Outcomes)

This is huge! This is the one thing that will determine your results.
You don’t have direct control over results and outcomes. You can’t dictate who becomes a distributor or customer. You can’t control what others do once they are involved.
But you do have complete control of your own personal activity. If you focus on activity, the results and outcomes will take care of themselves. But if you focus on results and constantly look at them, you’ll be frustrated.
Focus on monitoring and being consistent with your activity, which leads me to the next tip which will explain what activity you should be focusing on.

Tip #13: Take Consistent Action
(Prospect Everyday)

In my first network marketing company, I wasn’t very good at prospecting. I didn’t do enough of it and I certainly wasn’t very good at it, especially in the beginning.
But as Tony Robbins says, repetition is the mother of learning. If you do something enough and are working to improve, you will get better.
Be a student of prospecting and marketing.
Skill grows in direct proportion to experience. At the end of five years,  you should have 5 years of experience, not 1 year of experience five times (yeah, you may want to read that one again).
Everyday means everyday. The best thing you can do is prospect every single day. It should be a habit. You do it whether you feel like it or not. Don’t set yourself up for failure.
prospect everyday tip
If it scares you, treat it like a good training program. Start with 1 prospect a day for a week. The next week prospect 2 per day. Then 3 and try to work yourself up to at least five a day. More prospecting is obviously better and will also be faster.
Don’t worry about the results, just focus on hitting your numbers.
In this day and age you really have no excuse for not doing this. If you get home at midnight, you can log into Facebook and prospect a few if you need to. There is always somebody awake somewhere.
If you prospect 5 people a day, (even you take the weekends off) you’ll be prospecting 25 people a week and 100 people a month.
There are few people who consistently prospect 100 people a month. Even if you only close 1% you’ll be enrolling at least 1 person a month as a customer or business builder. Some of them will follow your lead and your business will grow.
If you want to go faster, continue to increase the number and/or work on your skill. What if you got 2-3%? What if you hit 4%, that would be roughly a person a week.

Tip #14: SPAM is a Four Letter Word
(Don’t Oversell and Over-hype)

I see it on social media all the time. People vomiting up their opportunity on unsuspecting people. Spam doesn’t work, even if you have tons of it out there in the marketplace. But the internet isn’t the only place people spam.
can of spamAnytime you’re communicating with somebody and you’re overselling or over hyping, you are coming off as spammy. Even a prospect who may have been interested will be uninterested if you use spam type language. It will push them away.
Be genuine and authentic. If you’re unnaturally forcing the direction of a conversation, that comes off as spammy too. It’s best to just toss out a little bait nonchalantly and if a person nibbles on it, ease into the conversation.
One of the best tips in this area is something I learned from Ray Higdon. It’s called a break in the conversation. It would sound like this “listen, I gotta run but I’m just curious… would you be open to a side project if it didn’t interfere with what you’re currently doing?”
That’s it. If they say, “no, not really”, then you’re done. Say “no problem, I’ll talk to you later” and you can exit. This is great because you already established that you’ve got to run. It’s not suddenly weird that you’ve got to leave because you prefaced it with “I gotta run”.
It’s also not you spewing your spammy message on them, which would sound more like “Listen, I’ve got a fantastic opportunity I want to run by you. I’m so excited and I’m so glad I ran into you. We can make a ton of money, it’s ridiculous how much money we can make! When can we get together so you can take a look at it?”
I wouldn’t recommend that approach.

Tip #15: Momentum is Practically Unstoppable (Find The Tipping Point)

A force in motion tends to stay in motion. When momentum shows up it’s a wonderful thing. The best momentum tip I can give you is to create an atmosphere conducive to creating momentum. That atmosphere is a healthy, growing organization.
Get into the habits needed to grow your business and at some point you’ll hit the tipping point. When that happens, the speed and velocity of your business growth will increase exponentially as momentum takes over.
As long as you continue to do the basics (prospecting and sponsoring), you will add fuel to the fire and keep momentum going for a long time.
In a binary compensation plan, which is what we like to work with, you have two teams. They are only connected by you, the growth that happens on each team is independent of each other. Momentum is why one team always grows faster.
Rarely, if ever, does momentum hit both teams at the same time or at the same intensity. So when momentum hits a leg of your organization, it will take off like a rocket and surpass the other leg.
Momentum is a fantastic thing in a binary compensation plan because once it hits, half your work is now done. All you have to do at that point is create volume in the other leg.

Tip #16 – Be a Master Marketer

marketing picture of yoda held by manA large part of network marketing is “marketing”. The word is in the title. Don’t forget that. Whether you’re on social media or online, there is a marketing component. Learn the basics of marketing and understand what’s effective and ineffective.
Strategies are great, but you should be studying marketing in general as an overarching concept. I can’t emphasize enough the importance of you understanding concepts of good marketing, ad copy, copywriting, etc.
If you understand basic and fundamental marketing concepts, you can implement them anywhere you decide to market.
You’d be surprised how much time I spent working on the headline for this article. I needed it to be capable of ranking for certain words to satisfy the google algorithm.
But I also needed to satisfy the human element because if you don’t click on it, I’m toast. Besides, clicking is also an indicator to google that people find value in the article. No clicks- poor google rankings.
On a side note, if you’re just starting out, I would keep your company name close to your chest. Creating curiosity helps draw people in and gives you an opportunity to talk to people about what you’re doing.
Throwing your business name out there and saying you’re looking for partners is not effective from a marketing standpoint or any standpoint that I know of.

Tip #17: Positioning is Your Friend

When your talking with somebody, you must master positioning. Be able to position yourself to communicate from a place of confidence and power, not weakness.
Desperation is weakness. Begging is weakness. Trying to convince is weakness. Chasing, pestering, and bugging is weakness. Don’t do these things.
Instead, be confident. The best thing is to not care about the outcome. That one simple idea will help you be more confident. Take an attitude that you are sorting through people, looking for those who are open to what you have to offer.
If you were prospecting gold, you wouldn’t find a rock and try to make it a piece of gold. You’d discard it and move on. Take that same attitude when talking to prospects and your demeanor will change.
You’ll be perceived as more confident and stronger. Your message will be better received. You’ll save energy because you will be giving permission to yourself to walk away.
Ending a prospecting conversation (nicely but firmly) and walking away has a similar effect as it does on a used car lot. Sometimes (not always), it can change the makeup of the conversation.

Tip #18: A Tactical Lesson in Negotiating
(Pawn Stars Style)

white chess pawnI’m a fan of Pawn Stars. If you’ve never seen the show, it’s a reality show that follows the business of a pawn shop in Vegas.
Occasionally, somebody will come in and want way more for their item than the owner (Rick) is willing to give.
For example, let’s say somebody wants $1000 for an item Rick thinks is worth $100. He’ll simply say something like “look, I’ll give you a hundred bucks for it.”
They’ll try to get him to come up and he’ll say “no, I’ll give you a hundred bucks” or he’ll say, “it looks like we’re just too far apart. Thanks for coming in” and hold out his hand to shake.
The lesson here for the network marketing professional is to control the negotiation or conversation. This is related to tip 17 (positioning) and tip 10 (no dancing like a monkey).
When you’re talking with somebody, they may want you to stop everything and give them all the information right then. Don’t do it, it gives up your power. Just say, “no, I can send you a video” (or whatever system you have in place).
Getting your prospect to follow through the funnel or system in the way you require is a form of negotiation. Even if you’re certain they’ll sign up you should follow the process with them. One reason is because if a person is a sure sign up, losing your positioning can lose the close.
Also, controlling this negotiation (leading them through your process) is critical because you’re teaching them by example exactly how to handle similar situations when they become a team member.

Tip #19: Don’t Underestimate People or Yourself

This is crucial. You never know what somebody is capable of. You never know where a person is at and since skill is important but taking action is more important, you never know what somebody will do.
If I had to choose between somebody with little to no skill who will prospect 200 people a month and commit to getting better or a person who is quite skilled but won’t talk to anybody, I’d take the worker. Every. Single. Time.
But therein lies the catch. You have no idea what somebody will do. You don’t know what they’re capable of or the capabilities of who they know.
I once enrolled a distributor who I initially thought wouldn’t be interested and if they were I didn’t think they’d do very well. It turns out, this young man had an aunt who built her fortune and retired from network marketing. So nobody could tell him it didn’t work, his belief in the industry was already sealed.
Never underestimate people.

Tip #20: Don’t Bet on a Losing Racehorse

multiple horses racing with blurred backgroundThis tip is all about guarding your time. Your time is valuable. People should earn your time. Don’t waste time with non-producers. I know this can be hard in the beginning but it’s an important lesson to learn.
Sometimes you want it more for somebody than they want it for themselves. Talking them into caring is not going to happen.
Hear me now. I’m not saying don’t support your people. You can and absolutely should be guiding them. But you’ve got to be careful not to enable inactivity.
Answer questions quick. Give people activity based direction.
If they have a question, point them to the answer. You don’t want their solution to be to call you unless it’s something they really couldn’t figure out on their own. That sounds harsh, but you should be developing leaders. A leader doesn’t lean on everybody around them, they take initiative and lead.
When I joined my current company, I told my upline I wouldn’t be calling him much but it doesn’t mean I’m not working. It means he shouldn’t have to hold my hand. I’m a big boy.
This time killer I learned in my former company but it took me longer than I should have to learn it. I was young and full of energy. I was naive. I thought everybody was as driven as me. When they said they were having trouble, it really didn’t dawn on me that it was because they weren’t doing the work.
Somebody in my downline would ask me to do a home meeting. Somebody who had no results. So I would set it up and come out and if I was lucky they would have a person there.
I was young and excited, but needy. So I would set up the next one (even if they didn’t have anybody in attendance). Big mistake, big waste of time. Not anymore. Here’s a better response.
“I’d love to do a meeting for you. Go hit X rank (whatever you want them to hit) and I’ll come do a home meeting for your team.” That response will position you better and also leave them with two options- do the work or don’t.

Tip #21: Engage your Prospect and Team with Questions

face covered by question markGreat teachers, leaders, and salespeople ask great questions. Questions engage a person’s mind and good questions help cut through the noise.
Maybe you ask a prospect why they agreed to look at a presentation to begin with. What were they looking for? This opens an authentic dialogue that can help move them closer to a decision.
Here’s a fantastic question for a team member who says they are having a hard time “getting people”. First, pause for dramatic effect (act like you’re thinking), then say “Let me ask you this, how many people did you show the presentation to in the last week?”.
If they squirm or don’t really know, it usually means none. That’s where you start.

Tip #22: Conduct Yourself like a Professional

You are a professional network marketer. Be sure to conduct yourself like a professional. Professionals don’t whine because people don’t want their service. They offer value and customers take it or they don’t.
If they don’t have enough customers they work harder, market more, or change their strategy. If you’re part of a network marketing company, you have an opportunity to create a highly profitable business.
Ideally, you want to attract other professionals. If you aren’t conducting yourself as a professional, those in the professional community won’t want to be part of what you’re doing.
So always conduct yourself like a professional. Treat people right, don’t be spammy, and when a conversation ends be sure to leave it in a way that doesn’t make the person want to avoid you the next time they see you.
Yup, things just got real.

Tip #23: Get Out of Your Head

head of man thinkingDreaming happens in your head. Actual business growth happens through grinding it out.
If you can’t stop worrying about what a person will say or theorizing about every direction the conversation might go, you’ll never build a profitable network marketing business.
When you spend too much time swimming in your thoughts you get paralysis by analysis. Doubt creeps in. Fear creeps in. “what if’s…” creep in.
Take action in spite of your thoughts. Taking consistent action is the only way to get out of your head and moving in the right direction.

Tip #24: Forget About Perfection, It’s a Ghost.

If you demand perfection or nothing, you get nothing. Every time.
You will never be perfect. True story. Nobody is. Perfection is the enemy of success. Look at the Iphone for example. How many reiterations and new models have they had? I’m not sure but I know it’s a lot.
My guess would be that some of those models were rolled out before they were deemed “perfect”. They were rolled out because the deadline had arrived when they were supposed to be rolled out.
Creating content like this is a great example of this concept. I try not to go back and read older blog posts.
I write. I edit. I publish. Period.
Otherwise I could spend an eternity second guessing myself or adding/deleting content. This post is a great example. Some of the titles for these tips were not exactly as I wanted them.
But it’s currently 1:14 AM and I’m determined to finish the rough draft of this content tonight so I can edit it tomorrow and get it published.
Forget about perfection, it’s a ghost. It doesn’t exist.

Tip #25: Celebrate Incremental Success

Always celebrate your victories and also the successes of your team members. This is especially true in the beginning. If you sponsored somebody and they sponsored their first person, make a big deal about it. People yearn for recognition and most people rarely get it in their jobs.
Your company probably has recognition for certain ranks, but you should have some too. Whether it is certificates or pins or simply hand written notes. Get creative but be sure to celebrate successes, even the small ones.
For yourself, celebrate the success of taking action. If there’s one thing I keep harping on it’s the importance of consistent activity. If you hit your numbers for the week, even if nobody joined or became a customer, that’s a success. Treat it like one.

Tip #26: Recognize Your Power Players

woman leader in business attireThis tip is one level above celebrating small successes. If you continue to grow your business a power player will show up. They may enroll more people, get more customers, and rank advance faster than you.
If that happens, don’t be insecure and weird about it. Conduct yourself as a professional and as a leader. Reach out to them. Recognize them. Build rapport with them.
This goes for anybody on your team, not just those you personally enroll. My upline reached out to me and built a relationship. When we (my wife and I) decided to reenter the industry there was only one couple we would work with and that was he and his wife.
Had he not built that relationship and recognized my hard work in the previous company, he would have never had me on his team now. Heck, we wouldn’t even know each other.
Now I’m committed to making him more money than anybody on his team. I take pride in that and it motivates me because he’s a friend. I feel excited to think I can help increase the abundance in his life by simply building my business.
There’s no other industry like network marketing!

Tip #27: Be the Person You Want to Recruit

The speed of the leader creates the speed of the pack. Unfortunately, people usually come into network marketing under misinformation, looking for easy money. You can make lots of money, but not easy money.
I saved the best network marketing tip for last. Instead of trying to find a person who will give you fast success, become the person you’re looking for.
Do everything you wish the perfect recruit would do. Prospect more. Be bold. Be fearless. Being the network marketing leader you want to recruit will grow your business faster and also increase your chances of finding another solid leader exponentially.
There you have it, the best network marketing tips for success in the industry.
The fact that you’re learning these skills means that you want to build a profitable home based business.
If you’re looking for a team to call family, consider the benefits of joining up with a team that will help build half your organization for you by utilizing the power of the internet.
If that makes sense to you, feel free to contact us and see if we’d be a good fit for each other.

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… Before The World Tells You!

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